I was recently able to finally finish my Rust bindings for the Bodhi REST API. And since fedora-easy-karma is still unable to submit feedback from the terminal, I thought I could put the new Bodhi bindings to good use, and implement an alternative. Enter: fedora-update-feedback.

With the latest releases of fedora-update-feedback, everything should be in place for providing feedback for updates installed from updates-testing. Updates that are still in the pending state but were installed from koji directly can optionally be queried, as well. Features of the program include providing karma and / or a comment (old fedora-easy-karma features), and attaching bug and testcase feedback (which is a new feature!).

The project’s README.md file and the --help CLI switch on the binary provide some more detailed usage information.


I’m working on either updating or reviewing and importing all the necessary Rust packages in fedora. Until then, I have made RPM builds for Fedora available on COPR.

Due to the current nature of Rust packaging, building packages is only feasible on rawhide, but the built binary packages of fedora-update-feedback and bodhi-cli are safely usable on every Fedora release, because they are statically linked and don’t pull in any dependencies (so you can safely add the rawhide repo for the COPR to your system, to automatically get updates).

It’s also easy to build the program from source, the code lives on GitHub.

With cargo and openssl-devel installed, compiling the binary yourself should be as easy as running cargo install --path . from within the extracted release tarball – cargo should handle fetching dependencies and building the binary.

I have also published all my crates on crates.io.

Feedback and bug reports are welcome

If you encounter any issues with the program, feel free to open an issue on the GitHub project. If you don’t want to use GitHub, just write an E-Mail.

With fedora-update-feedback, both the Rust bindings for the bodhi REST API (bodhi-rs) and the OpenID authentication workflow (implemented from scratch in fedora-rs) are getting real-world usage for the first time, so there might be some issues or unexplored edge cases in those libraries as well.

The code for all these fedora-related Rust crates (fedora-rs, bodhi-rs, bodhi-rs-cli, fedora-update-feedback) lives in the ironthree organisation on GitHub.