Hello fellow testers, welcome to the Fedora Linux 34 Final installation of Heroes of Fedora! In this post, we’ll look at the stats concerning the testing of Fedora Linux 34 Final. The purpose of Heroes of Fedora is to provide a summation of testing activity on each milestone release of Fedora. Without community support, Fedora would not exist, so thank you to all who contributed to this release! Without further ado, let’s get started!

Updates Testing

Test period: Fedora Linux 34 Final (2021-04-06 – 2021-04-27)
Testers: 128
Comments1: 654

NameUpdates commented
Geraldo S. Simião Kutz (geraldosimiao)103
Pete Walter (pwalter)58
Dmitri Smirnov (cserpentis)49
Lukáš Růžička (lruzicka)31
Basil Eric Rabi (basilrabi)24
František Zatloukal (frantisekz)18
Charles-Antoine Couret (renault)17
Adam Williamson (adamwill)11
Onuralp SEZER (thunderbirdtr)11
Hans Müller (cairo)9
Kamil Páral (kparal)8
Colin Thomson (g6avk)8
Chris Murphy (chrismurphy)7
Nie Lili (lnie)6
Jan Kuparinen (copperi)6
Ben Cotton (bcotton)5
Neal Gompa (ngompa)5
Jens Petersen (petersen)5
Miro Hrončok (churchyard)4
Ashish Kumar (akumar99)4
Dennis Keefe (dkeefe)4
brett hassall (bretth)4
Otto Urpelainen (oturpe)4
Kalvin Lee (kalvinist)4
Martin Wolf (generalprobe)3
Kalev Lember (kalev)3
Vitaly Zaitsev (xvitaly)3
Fabio Valentini (decathorpe)3
…and also 96 other reporters who created fewer than 3 reports each, but 114 reports combined!

1 If a person provides multiple comments to a single update, it is considered as a single comment. Karma value is not taken into account.

Validation Testing

Test period: Fedora Linux 34 Final (2021-04-06 – 2021-04-27)
Testers: 17
Reports: 575
Unique referenced bugs: 7

NameReports submittedReferenced bugs1
lruzicka1691949427 1950258 (2)
geraldosimiao901929643 1952518 (2)
nielsenb241950129 1950171 (2)
jlinton211952748 (1)

1 This is a list of bug reports referenced in test results. The bug itself may not be created by the same person.

Bug Reports

Test period: Fedora Linux 34 Final (2021-04-06 – 2021-04-27)
Reporters: 385
New reports: 670

NameReports submitted1Excess reports2Accepted blockers3
Miro Hrončok206 (30%)0
Bruno Porceli Alaniz170 (0%)0
Luna Jernberg153 (20%)0
Lukas Ruzicka105 (50%)0
ricky.tigg at gmail.com101 (10%)0
Chris Murphy92 (22%)0
lnie95 (55%)0
Sampson Fung80 (0%)0
Peter Hutterer70 (0%)0
Rickard70 (0%)0
Adam Williamson60 (0%)2
kxra at riseup.net60 (0%)1
cooperbang at disroot.org60 (0%)0
Heldwin60 (0%)0
Kristo Zondagh60 (0%)0
Kurt Heine60 (0%)0
Michael Catanzaro60 (0%)0
Ryan60 (0%)0
František Zatloukal50 (0%)2
Paul Whalen50 (0%)2
Basil Eric Rabi50 (0%)0
Ian Laurie50 (0%)0
OpenQA Coconut55 (100%)0
Alexander Zhang40 (0%)0
Garry T. Williams40 (0%)0
Jeremy Linton40 (0%)0
Rex Dieter40 (0%)0
Thomas Citharel40 (0%)0
Vitaliy Grishin40 (0%)0
Willy Kuchler40 (0%)0
…and also 355 other reporters who created fewer than 4 reports each, but 457 reports combined!

1 The total number of new reports (including “excess reports”). Reopened reports or reports with a changed version are not included, because it was not technically easy to retrieve those. This is one of the reasons why you shouldn’t take the numbers too seriously, but just as interesting and fun data.
2 Excess reports are those that were closed as NOTABUG, WONTFIX, WORKSFORME, CANTFIX or INSUFFICIENT_DATA. Excess reports are not necessarily a bad thing, but they make for interesting statistics. Close manual inspection is required to separate valuable excess reports from those which are less valuable.
3 This only includes reports that were created by that particular user and accepted as blockers afterwards. The user might have proposed other people’s reports as blockers, but this is not reflected in this number.