In the winter months, the Community Outreach Revamp team conducted a survey. We set ourselves to host, curate and report back our results, with some interesting conclusions. Furthering on the same train of thought, we are working with the Fedora Council and Mindshare Committee on community-oriented questions for an annual contributor survey. We hope to receive a greater and more diverse set of responses as the annual contributor survey will be targeted toward Fedora’s entire contributor community, not just Mindshare and Outreach teams.


We have also been working to raise awareness around the Revamp Objective’s goals. Most recently, we presented at DevConf.CZ. Later this month, we will give an update at the Fedora Linux 34 Release Party. We have submitted to several applicable conferences in the upcoming year. This will allow us to gather feedback and make adjustments as we move forward.


We have coordinated an Outreachy internship for the upcoming summer session to work on various design materials to assist in the Revamp. Marie has been working to to prep things for the upcoming intern and is mentoring applicants during the month of April. We are planning design projects for the intern to work on, including some designs for the Role Handbooks, infographics, and a re-designed cheat cube (or two!).

Process improvement

In the last few months, we have seen the benefit of keeping one source of truth. In the past, we kept our on-going tasks documented at multiple places. This led to the challenge of keeping everything updated and was not a good use of time for the team. With this in mind, we retired the Trello board and we are using a HackMD document to track our progress.

A few words of gratitude to Fedora Council and the whole community for supporting the Revamp as a Fedora Objective. We are also thrilled to be incorporated into an updated Fedora Organizational Chart.