This is a weekly report from the CPE (Community Platform Engineering) Team. If you have any questions or feedback, please respond to this report or contact us on #redhat-cpe channel on (

Highlights of the week

Infrastructure & Release Engineering

Goal of this Initiative

Purpose of this team is to take care of day to day business regarding CentOS and Fedora Infrastructure and Fedora release engineering work.
It’s responsible for services running in Fedora and CentOS infrastructure and preparing things for the new Fedora release (mirrors, mass branching, new namespaces etc.).
The ARC (which is a subset of the team) investigates possible initiatives that CPE might take on.
You can look at the I&R planning board.


Fedora Infra

  • Working on deploying python3 FMN to staging, hitting various dependencies, but working through them.
  • 2 power9 boxes in IAD2 all installed and ready, 1 in RDU still needs installed, but otherwise all ready.
  • Increased memory on s390x kvm builders to help large packages build.
  • Normal business (renewed some certs, processed various uses requests, etc).

CentOS Infra including CentOS CI

Release Engineering


CentOS Stream

Goal of this Initiative

This initiative is working on CentOS Stream/Emerging RHEL to make this new distribution a reality. The goal of this initiative is to prepare the ecosystem for the new CentOS Stream.


  • Changes to CVE checker client code to workaround the timeouts holding things up.
  • Work on syncing the builds from the centos 8 stream koji to the new stream koji has been started.
  • Work started on sync2gitlab.

CentOS Duffy CI

Goal of this Initiative

Duffy is a system within CentOS CI Infra which allows tenants to provision and access bare metal resources of multiple architectures for the purposes of CI testing.
We need to add the ability to checkout VMs in CentOS CI in Duffy. We have OpenNebula hypervisor available, and have started developing playbooks which can be used to create VMs using the OpenNebula API, but due to the current state of how Duffy is deployed, we are blocked with new dev work to add the VM checkout functionality.


  • Deploy in dev environment in CentOS infrastructure.
  • Testing and whack-a-bug (ongoing).
  • Publish alpha to PyPi.
  • Expire sessions automatically (in review).
  • Systemd services (in review).

Image builder for Fedora IoT

Goal of this Initiative

Integration of Image builder as a service with Fedora infra to allow Fedora IoT migrate their pipeline to Fedora infra.


  • Received the koji-osbuild config file from Image Builder team.
  • Next steps are to go through the pieces and plan how to implement.


Goal of this Initiative

This initiative is to separate Bodhi into multiple sub packages, fix integration and unit tests in CI, fix dependency management and automate part of the release process.
Read ARC team findings in detail at:


  • Move to OIDC is done.
  • Dependency management (ongoing).
  • Discussion about stretch goals started (such as scoping some good first issues to attract new contributors and doing some spring cleaning in the issue tracker in general).
  • Discussion about when to release the next major version started (we should wait a bit).


Goal of this initiative

Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (or EPEL) is a Fedora Special Interest Group that creates, maintains, and manages a high quality set of additional packages for Enterprise Linux, including, but not limited to, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS and Scientific Linux (SL), Oracle Linux (OL).

EPEL packages are usually based on their Fedora counterparts and will never conflict with or replace packages in the base Enterprise Linux distributions. EPEL uses much of the same infrastructure as Fedora, including buildsystem, bugzilla instance, updates manager, mirror manager and more.


  • EPEL9 up to 2094 source packages (increase of 35 from last week).
  • First EPEL Office Hours was a big success, good attendance and positive feedback afterwards.

Kindest regards,
CPE Team