This is a part of the FESCo Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Monday, 20th May and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Thursday, 30th May 2024.
Interview with Jonathan Wright
- FAS ID: jonathanspw
What is your background in EPEL? What have you worked on and what are you doing now?
I’ve been working with EPEL since its inception – having been a user of “Enterprise Linux” since CentOS 4. I became a Fedora packager a few years ago with an explicit interest in the EPEL side of things. Little did I know I’d also end up caring greatly about the Fedora side and I came back from the dark side (Arch) and am a Fedora desktop user again.
I’m the infrastructure lead for AlmaLinux and through that have a great care for EPEL and everything it empowers users to do – not just for AlmaLinux but for the EL community at large.
Why are you running for EPEL Steering Committee member?
I feel strongly that I can help steer the direction of EPEL due to my experience in the ecosystem.
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