Fedora 24 Wallpapers: Vote now!

Nearly two months ago, the submission phase for the Fedora 24 Supplemental Wallpapers were opened. Now, the submission phase is closed and the voting phase is now open. If you have a FAS account and are CLA+1 status, you can cast your vote in Nuancier.

This year’s wallpapers

We have 124 contributions from 92 different contributors. 70 badges for submissions were awarded. In case yours was not awarded, ping “gnokii” in #fedora-design on freenode. This is compared to 199 submissions and 157 approved ones, lesser as for Fedora 23, but this time there was a limit for the submissions. It resulted in higher quality of the submissions, as only five submissions had to be rejected.

But as for past wallpaper contests, a lot of the submitters made their first contribution to Fedora. We will continue to improve Nuancier and the way supplemental wallpapers are submitted to Fedora. Of course, we will also try to improve the quality of the submitted wallpapers. We already improved this time with limiting the amount of submissions. We also had longer phases for submissions and the time for the voting is also longer, as before.

If you want to see what wallpapers are submitted, here are my personal ten favorites.

Fedora 24 Favorite Wallpapers

Time to find the best wallpaper!

But now, the time for the submissions is over and Fedora contributors can cast their votes. To vote, you need one additional group membership with the CLA/FPCA in FAS. Fedora contributors can vote directly in Nuancier, the application for the Supplemental Wallpapers.  You can vote for sixteen of your personal favorites (but you don’t have to use all sixteen votes).

The sixteen wallpapers with the most votes will be packaged and delivered with Fedora 24. For your vote, you can claim a badge, but it has to be claimed manually. The link for claiming the badge will be shown after the vote is done.

For all the submitters, good luck and now go for the vote!

Categories: Design

Start the discussion by commenting on the auto-created topic at discussion.fedoraproject.org


  1. looking for yellow ….

  2. i’m trying to vote, i registered there, but i only can find “You must sign the CLA (Contributor License Agreement to use nuancier”, nothing else…

    • Hi there – do you know what groups you are a member of in the Fedora Account System (FAS)? You may not have the minimum requirements to vote in this election.

  3. Voted for my favorite wallpapers 🙂 All entries are really good!

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