The last weekend of October was perfect timing for the annual Python community gathering in Brno, Czech Republic for PyCon CZ. Organized by a wonderful group of people from the PyCon CZ community, it is the second PyCon in the Czech Republic to gather Pythonistas from the whole country and abroad, share knowledge, learn and chat over a cup of coffee. And of course Fedora was there to make sure that everyone knows how Fedora loves Python.
Fedora booth at PyCon CZ
The most common question from people approaching the Fedora booth was, “Why is Fedora so good for Python?” Having the webpage open helped a lot to answer. It pointed attention to how easy it is to work with Python on Fedora and how to get involved and start contributing. A lot were also interested in the differences between Fedora Workstation, Fedora Server and Fedora Cloud, and we were happy to chat about it as well. We gave out dozens of Fedora 24 DVDs. People seemed encouraged to try it out and install Fedora on their machines. Promoting Fedora with a #FedoraLovesPython hashtag on social media was the key to get some great Fedora swag like a T-shirt or a bag.
One could also feel the power of Python and Fedora by holding 3D-printed “Pythonic staff of enlightenment” (which survived the conference with a couple of injuries).
On Friday, Miro Hroncok and Chris Ward gave a lightning talk promoting #FedoraLovesPython and encouraged the audience to check out the webpage and contribute.
Image courtesy of VnGrijl — originally posted to Flickr as Brno.
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