As part of Open Labs Hackerspace, I was invited to Prishtina, Kosovo by fellow hacktivist Ardian Haxha. I was asked to facilitate various sessions about Fedora and Mozilla. Furthermore, I was happy to design the artwork for the event too. This greatly aligned with my work at Mozilla Community Design and the Fedora Design Team. Ardian is a hard-working community member of FLOSSK. He was heavily involved in the organization of the past SFK conferences in the same city of Prishtina. He recently rediscovered the pleasure of working with the Fedora and Mozilla communities again, so he decided to organize the Fedora and Mozilla Activity Days in Prishtina on the 26th to 27th of March.
Kosovo and the Activity Days: At Prishtina
It was inspiring to check out the Prishtina Hackerspace, truly one of the biggest hackerspaces in Europe. It might sound surprising for a small country like Kosovo. The event itself went well, although we expected more people. This was balanced with 1-on-1 conversations, personalized presentations, and workshops to cater every attendee’s interests. I’m happy to see that some of the attendees showed interest to contribute to Fedora and/or Mozilla afterwards. Now, the important part comes: following up.
Fedora Badges part of Activity Days

Fedora Badges Workshop – Photo by Sonia Budini
A highlight for me was the great Fedora Badges sessions. We taught attendees how to use the templates to create their own badges with Inkscape. It was a great hands-on experience which was also a good icebreaker at the same time.
Thanks to Ardian for facilitating the event. Thanks also goes to Open Labs and FLOSSK for never ceasing to inspire us to keep doing what we are doing. Additional thanks goes to Boris Budini and Jona Azizaj for helping out with the sessions. I should come more often to Prishtina also.
Check out Ardian’s blog post for more photos.
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