At the second weekend in March 2016, Fedora had a booth at PyCon SK, a community-organized conference for the Python programming language held in Bratislava, Slovakia. The event happened for the first time this year, and we made sure it happened with Fedora.

Photo by Ondrej Dráb, CC BY
Fedora table at PyCon SK
Many Python beginners attended and were curious about Fedora — what it is, how can they use it. We handed over about a hundred Fedora 23 Workstation DVDs and several dozens of Starting with Fedora brochures. More experienced Pythonistas came as well, asking how they can contribute to Fedora – hopefully they become regular contributors soon. On Saturday, we had a lightning talk about Fedora’s Python 3 Porting Database and a Debian contributor came at the booth later and we discussed about how to use it for Debian as well.
A Django Girls workshop happened on Sunday and the participants were encouraged to start with Linux, so they took Fedora DVDs as well and also decorated their computers with our stickers. Let’s hope many of them will like Fedora.

Photo by Lucia Kotrhová, CC BY-NC
Impact at PyCon SK
A few months ago, we participated at PyCon CZ as well. This took place in Brno, Czech Republic. Although the Fedora booth there was more interesting — there was a 3D printer and we handed out free blue soft drinks — I think our presence at PyCon SK was far more important. There were more interactions with potential Fedora users and contributors. I’d like to thanks the organizers of both PyCons for letting us participate.
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