On September 29, the hackerspace Mittelab of Trieste had the honor to host the first edition of the Fedora Women’s Day event. Organized by the Fedora Diversity and Inclusion team, the event aims to break down gender walls to allow all women passionate about IT and technology in general to approach the Fedora operating system. During the day there were a series of conferences whose purpose was to show this distribution and define the main features of Linux.
The meetings had as the following objectives:
– discuss the importance of Free Software and Open Source;
– provide a general introduction to GNU / Linux and to the various distributions, in particular Fedora’s one.
More in detail, the speakers discussed and presented topics of general nature such as file system, file system structure and the organization of folders, passwords and security, as well as the management of utilities and permissions.

In addition to the aforementioned topics mentioned, given the interest shown, we moved on to more technical subjects, where elements such as user applications, rpm
, and dnf
were explained

Then the participants shared dinner in good company with an excellent pizza and discussed the topics dealt with further. At the end of the day the Install party took place and the participants installed the Fedora operating system on their computers, thanks to the collaboration of the Mittelab members.
We are especially satisfied with the enthusiasm and the involvement showed by the participants, despite a moderate participation of women.
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