This is a part of the FESCo Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Thursday, December 6th and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Thursday, December 20th, 2018.

Interview with Kevin Fenzi (kevin)

  • Fedora Account: kevin
  • IRC: nirik (found in #fedora, #fedora-admin #fedora-apps #fedora-noc #fedora-devel #fedora-releng)
  • Fedora User Wiki Page


Describe some of the important technical issues you foresee affecting the Fedora community. What insight do you bring to these issues?

Moving faster, adding CI and testing, LTS support will all be big issues in Fedora in the upcoming year or two (at least). We really need to automate as much as we can so we can support new ideas while not overworking all our maintainers and community. I have a lot of the historical background on why things were the way they were, but I am also pretty open to change and moving forward when it makes sense to do so.

What objectives or goals should FESCo focus on to help keep Fedora on the cutting edge of open source development?

Automation and CI. The only way we will keep up with all the software our there is if we automate things and get robots to do testing all the time. Otherwise we just won’t scale.

What are the areas of the distribution and our processes that, in your opinion, need improvement the most? Do you have any ideas how FESCo would be able to help in those “trouble spots”?

We definitely need to still work on maintainer workflows. Many of these were disrupted to bring in arbitrary branches and modularity, and I think we can smooth things out a good deal. We need to make it easier to maintain things.