This is a part of the Mindshare Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Thursday, December 6th and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Thursday, December 20th, 2018.

Interview with Jared Smith (jsmith)

  • Fedora Account: jsmith
  • IRC: jsmith (found in #fedora-devel, #fedora-arm, #fedora-iot, #fedora-docs, #fedora-mindshare)
  • Fedora User Wiki Page


Is there a specific task or issue you think that Mindshare should address this term?

My number one goal for this term in Mindshare is to finish documenting and socializing the new plans for low-friction release parties, low-friction swag requests, and Emeritus ambassadors. While the last term was important in terms of planning changes, I think the focus of this next term should be communicating those changes to the community at large.

Please elaborate on the personal “Why” which motivates you to be a candidate for Mindshare.

I’ve spent a lot of time in the Fedora community, and the number one complaint I hear at Fedora Events is the ambassadors program. Even though it’s been a great program, it also causes an undue amount of stress and friction. I’d like to do my part to help reduce that, and help work some of the “wrinkles” out of the system.

What are your thoughts on the impact (as an individual and then as a Mindshare group) that the group will have?

Let me speak to the group as a whole, first. As a group, the Mindshare team will be successful if they can communicate clearly with the community, and show the results of their work. Individually, I hope to be able to dedicate more of my personal time to pushing those efforts, especially with regards to communications with the broader Fedora community.