Tag: event reports (page 2 of 8)

Fedora at SCaLE 17x (2019) Event Report – Pasadena, California

At a Glance: What is SCaLE?

The Fedora Ambassadors gathered statistical feedback from attendees and distributed swag items during SCaLE’s four-day expo.

  • Frequency of the release cycle past Fedora Release 29 trended with guests.
  • Peak visitor days were Friday and Saturday.
  • We collected detailed information for our various Fedora teams. Roll-up found below.

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Open Power Summit 2018 event report

With some rather unfortunate delays is my report from last year’s Open Power Summit. Let’s dive in it, without further delay.

It took place between 3th and 4th October 2018 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is event organized by the Open Power Foundation, steward of the Open Power CPU ISA. It is open and builds on top of the heritage of the past Power architectures, enabling any vendor or individual to dive in to the technical deeps of it or even implement it on their own.

 At the venue there have been booths of different foundation members and affiliated organizations. Like Raptor engineering with their Talos II and Blackbird platforms on showcase, Mellanox with accelerators cards, Yadro with big-data memory(RAM) dense servers or OpenCAPI consortium with bunch of accelerators from various manufacturers that are leveraging the OpenCAPI standard, just to note few. To add on the OpenCAPI it is open offspring of the CAPI that has been introduced by IBM with their Power8 architecture.

OpenCAPI booth
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Linux Day 2018 – Italy

Every year, on the last Saturday of October, in Italy there is a national event called “Linux Day”. This year was the 18th edition and it was held on October 27.

The event is promoted by the Italian Linux Society, and it is independently organized in many cities all around the country by groups of volunteers, LUGs and various associations. Even if it is highly fragmented (many little events in many cities), it is probably the biggest Italian event related to Linux and FLOSS, that is directly organized by people involved in the communities and by ordinary users.

The aim of such event is to to promote Linux and FLOSS in general: in each city there are many talks, presentations and installation parties. The target audience is not limited to computer enthusiasts, hackers or IT professionals, but newbies, students and curious citizens are welcome as well.

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Fedora Women’s Day 2018 – Mexico City

Fedora Women’s Day (FWD) is a day to celebrate and bring visibility to female contributors in open source projects including Fedora. The initiative is led by Fedora’s Diversity and Inclusion team. The number of women in tech have been increasing year over year,  further highlighting the importance of a more inclusive culture in tech.

On September 21, We had our first Fedora Women’s Day in the UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City) and we loved to do it.

Taken during the first Fedora Women's Day at UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City)
Taken during the first Fedora Women’s Day at UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City)
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Flock : Best 4 Days of 2018

This August, I attended my first ever Fedora’s Annual Developer Conference, Flock and boy! What an amazing experience it was. I got a chance to meet so many amazing people who I had known by their IRC nicks only. There was fun, food and of course lots of Fedora!

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Fedora tackles Southeast Linux Fest 2018

Ambassadors Report for Southeast Linux Fest -Ben and Cathy Williams, Andrew and Julie Ward, Rosnel Echervarria, and Nick Bebout

Southeast Linux Fest June 8 – 10, 2018, Charlotte North Carolina

Southeast Linux fest

Julie and Ben just after setup

The annual event reached its historical 10 year mark this year. Southeast Linux Fest has been one of the most successful and long running events when it comes to Linux and only is topped by Scale and Linux Fest Northwest. Southeast Linux Fest (SELF) an event that is held at the Sheraton Airport Hotel Charlotte North Carolina. This event was centralized to accommodate attendance (easy access from Airport) from many of the surrounding states. We saw many individuals from the Tennessee, Georgia (Atlanta/Macon area), South Carolina, and Florida, as well as the local attendees from the Charlotte area and the state of North Carolina.

Event Goals from the desk of Southeast Linux Fest Coordinator

Discussing the primary goal of this event with the Coordinator (of Southeast Linux Fest), the target was to draw from the surrounding southern states. The secondary goal was opening the event to everyone  interested in learning about free and open source software. Later in this report we will discuss some of the feedback given to the Coordinator about Southeast Linux Fest.

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Building community at Open Source Conference Albania (OSCAL) 2018

From May 19-20, 2018, the local open source community in Tirana, Albania organized the fifth year of Open Source Conference Albania (OSCAL). For the fifth year, the Fedora Project participated as a sponsor of this regional conference. OSCAL focuses on topics of software freedom, open knowledge, free culture, and decentralization. It attracts a range of international speakers and sponsors to a mostly local Albanian audience.

What we did at OSCAL 2018

The Fedora Project and its contributors were present in multiple areas of the OSCAL experience. Fedora took part to encourage the growth of the local Fedora community, support the efforts of existing Fedora Ambassadors and contributors, and introduce different technologies that make Fedora unique.

Fedora organized a booth and held a release party to commemorate Fedora 28. Several contributors delivered talks and workshops during OSCAL. Additionally, several Fedora contributors delivered talks and workshops across both days of the conference.

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Fedora at OSSNA 2017 Event Report – Los Angeles, California

Open Source Summit North America (OSSNA) 2017 Event Report

Fedora Ambassador Brian Monroe chooses freedom.

At a Glance: What is Open Source Summit North America?

  • What: A convention that combines LinuxCon, ContainerCon, CloudOpen, and a debuting Open Community Conference under one roof in Los Angeles, California
  • Where: JW Marriott LA Live
  • When: 11 – 14 September 2017

The Fedora ambassadors distributed swag items during OSSNA’s four-day expo.

Fedora 26 and its stability proved to be positively popular with guests.

Peak visitor days were Monday and Tuesday.

We collected highly detailed feedback for our various Fedora teams. Roll-up found below.

Overview slides found here: http://bit.ly/2wRSwHY

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Fedora at SCaLE 16x (2018) Event Report – Pasadena, California

SCaLE16x headquarters – Pasadena Convention Center

At a Glance: What is SCaLE?

The Fedora Ambassadors gathered statistical feedback from attendees and distributed swag items during SCaLE’s four-day expo.

  • Modularity in Fedora 27 proved to be trending with guests.
  • Peak visitor days were Friday and Saturday.
  • We collected detailed information for our various Fedora teams. Roll-up found below.

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Commitment to community: Fedora CommOps FAD 2018

The Fedora Community Operations (CommOps) team held a team sprint, or Fedora Activity Day, from January 29-31, 2018. CommOps provides tools, resources, and utilities for different sub-projects of Fedora to improve effective communication. The FAD was an opportunity for us to further our mission by focusing on two primary goals and two secondary goals for 2018.

The CommOps FAD aimed to carry out these primary goals:

  • Pursue plan of deploying a GrimoireLabs dashboard, visualizing fedmsg data
  • Launch Fedora Appreciation Week in 2018

This article explains what we accomplished in our FAD, how we have progressed since then, and what is next for the team.

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