Tag: Nest with Fedora (page 1 of 2)

CPE at Nest 2022

This year the annual Flock to Fedora conference was online again and again it was known as Nest With Fedora. Even with the situation around COVID-19 and without the option to meet others in person, Nest was still an awesome conference with plenty of things to do. The conference was hosted on Hopin platform, which allowed organizers to provide conference wide presentations and smaller sessions for other talks. There were also some social related activities, like booths or meeting others in Work Adventure. You could also invite anybody for a private talk. The Community Platform Engineering (CPE) Team was there and gave quite a lot of talks.

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Recordings now available for Nest with Fedora 2022!

I am excited to announce the recordings for Nest with Fedora 2022 are now available on the Fedora YouTube Channel. There are 51 videos to watch full of the latest from your Fedora Friends. Search for the one you want or watch the whole playlist!

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Nest with Fedora 2022 registration now open!

We are excited to announce that registration for this year’s Nest with Fedora 2022 is now open. Sign up to join us for the virtual version of Flock to Fedora with a three day event hosted on the Hopin platform. Nest will kick off on Thursday August 4th and run through Saturday August 6th. Our virtual contributor conference will feature Fedora content, workshops, and social hours—but most importantly, our wonderful community!

Feel free to share the registration link with your Fedora spaces, group chats, and any other communities you think might be interested. We are always thrilled to see fresh and familiar Fedora Friends at Nest with Fedora 2022. 

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Nest with Fedora: Call for proposals and sponsors 

As we celebrate Fedora Linux 36 with the upcoming Release Party, we are also looking forward to our next virtual event: Nest with Fedora. As I mentioned in my last update, the 2022 edition of our annual contributor conference will be our third virtual Nest paired with Fedora Hatches (local in person meetups). A big thanks to Fedorans for showing up with seven proposals for Hatches all across the world! Furthermore, I am excited to announce that the Nest with Fedora call for proposals and sponsors is now open.

You’ll also notice a new Fedora mascot in the banner for this post, a wonderfully Fedorable design developed by intern Jess Chitas. Introducing Colúr, inspired by the Nest logo and named with the Gaelic word for pigeon. The Design Team was inspired by wordplay because Colúr sounds similar to the word color in English and he is a comprised of all the Fedora colors! Welcome, Colúr!

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Nest with Fedora & Fedora Hatch: Announcing dates & call for volunteers

Hi Fedora Friends! We made it through another year of living with COVID-19, with plenty of other challenges added on top. To everyone who make up Fedora – thank you for your presence, contributions, and efforts during this trying time. Because we have yet to see an end to living with COVID-19, I opened a discussion with the community about what we should do for this year’s contributor conference.

Based on that feedback, I am pleased to announce that we will be holding the third edition of Nest with Fedora on August 4th, 5th, & 6th.  I will be publishing info on the CfP in the upcoming months. We will also be funding local in person meetups that we have titled Fedora Hatch. If you want to participate in an in person meetup, make sure to read on and suggest your ideas on the Flock pagure!

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CPE at Nest 2021

This year the annual Flock to Fedora conference was online again and known as Nest With Fedora. Even with the situation around COVID-19 and without the option to meet others in person, Nest was still an awesome conference with plenty of things to do. The conference was hosted on the Hopin platform, which allowed organizers to provide conference wide presentations and smaller sessions for other talks. There were also some social activities, like booths or meeting others in Work Adventure. You could also invite anybody for a private talk. The Community Platform Engineering (CPE) Team was there and gave quite a lot of talks.

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Nest With Fedora 2021 recordings now available!

I am happy to announce the recordings for Nest With Fedora are now up on the Fedora YouTube channel. You can search for the ones you want or watch the whole playlist! There are 56 videos to peruse full of Fedora information and friends! Nest with Fedora 2021 was another huge virtual event success for our community. The event garnered 900+ registrations with an 81% turnout (4% above industry standard). This is almost double our numbers from Nest in 2020. A huge welcome to all the newcomers. We are so glad you are part of the Fedora community!

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Nest with Fedora: Thanks to our Sponsors!

Fedora’s annual contributor conference Nest with Fedora is this week: August 5th–7th. Even with the virtual format, we are so excited to see everyone together! Free registration for Nest with Fedora is still open and you can check out the schedule in the wiki. Nest with Fedora is made possible by funding from our sponsors. Their assistance brings us everything from the conference platform to promotion to swag.

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Community Outreach Revamp @ Nest: Docs session

The force behind the Fedora Community Outreach Revamp Objective is organizing a hackfest type documentation session for Nest with Fedora. The main goals of the session will be updating/reviewing/pushing new documentation for the various outreach teams to Docs. The co-leads for this effort and myself would like raise awareness and also invite the community to join us at Nest this year. If you are interested in what we are up to or joining us for the session, read on!

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