Article co-authored by Bee Padalkar and Justin W. Flory
In the past year to current day, women in computing is a hot topic in many discussions about diversity in computer science. Particularly in free and open source software, women are underrepresented, even more than average numbers in other computer science fields.
Diversity in Fedora is also a discussion that has resurfaced in the past few months, including the creation of a Fedora Diversity Adviser, a position now held by María “tatica” Leandro. As part of the objectives identified by the Fedora Council, an initiative to promote Fedora to new contributors of various backgrounds is being emphasized for 2016. Fedora has a strong and powerful base of women contributors in the community, focusing on various parts of the Project.
Looking back on 2015, there are many highlights of increased diversity in Fedora and many more plans in the future to promote a stronger presence of women in the Fedora community.
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