Internationalization is process of making product in a way, so they can adapt to any regional languages with minimal change. Its time to make sure Fedora 24 supports writing and reading of all major languages (in corresponding script) in the world. We should also make sure all locales work perfectly as expected.

To make this happen Fedora QA and Language testing group have organized the i18n test day.

I18n has 3 important changes in Fedora 24 that need testing: 

  • Glibc locale subpackaging
    From era we are installing all available locales in Glibc irrespective of we use it or not. With this feature in place, now user can install only locales required by him. This is specifically very important in with respect to containers.
  • DNF langpacks
    Langpacks installations is re-designed using language meta-packages langpacks-<langcode> and RPM weak dependencies (Supplements tag).
  • IBus fbterm enhancement for ibus 1.5
    Update of ibus-fbterm to work with IBus 1.5. ibus-fbterm enables major features of ibus 1.5.

Other than above three features, we have to also make sure other important i18n applications work as expected.

 How to participate:

Most of the information available on here.  Feel free to ask a  specific query either on #fedora-test-day or #fedora-g11n on Freenode.