Fedora has been participating in Google Summer Of Code for a long time and we have had good experience with this. Our process is to call for mentors on mailing lists and community blogs after we apply for the the program. But this doesn’t mean you have to wait for the call for mentors, you can anytime propose a project and we work with you to polish it and try to find the best place for it (be it outreacy or GSoC). We gather project ideas on Mentored Project issues.
Thank you everyone for submitting a project idea in the past and we are looking forward to have more of participation from you all.
GSoC 2020 Projects – Mentors and Interns
This year we selected 4 projects in our Org and I am super excited for them to see implemented by the end of GSoC timeline.
1. Dashboard for Packit
This project is mentored by Hunor Csomortán (FAS id: csomh) and František Lachman (FAS id: lacnmanfrantisek).
They have selected Anchit Bajaj (FAS id: icewreck) for this project. Here is Anchit in their own words
Hi, I am Anchit, a 19 y.o. from Chandigarh, India. I love programming, self-hosting, gaming, reading comic-books, and watching comic-book based movies/tv. The first version of Fedora I tried was 21 when I came across it during my distro-hopping spree. I used it for a couple of months and then moved on to other distros. I came back to Fedora in 2017 after a couple of people on Telegram recommended it and have been using it ever since. A big reason why I stuck with Fedora this time is the community. Shout out to @fedora on Telegram. They’re nice, wholesome and helpful. They also got me into self-hosting and basic sys-admin stuff.
I chose this project because it required a skill-set I was comfortable with and was part of a community I am involved in. These past two months working with the Packit team have been awesome. The mentors are great and I’ve learned a lot, especially the importance of tests. (after breaking code, multiple times :P)
I’m excited to contribute to the Fedora community!
2. Implementing varlink support to nmstate
Mentors of this Project are Fernando F. Mancera (FAS id: ffmancera) and Till Maas (FAS id: till).
They have selected A. Sudharshan (FAS id: sudhan97) for this project. Here is a short paragraph on Sudharshan in their own words
I’m a third-year computer science undergrad from NSBM Green University, Sri Lanka. I have always been interested in learning different fields of computer science, the field I wanted to become a professional is computer networks and security. Fedora has been my go-to Linux platform for my projects’ development and I wanted to be a part of the Fedora community because the community has many projects in different areas, I believe I can contribute and learn more in these different areas.
Nmstate project of the Fedora community is where I started my first open-source contribution. This is my first time participating in GSoC. My GSoC mentor (Fernando) and the community members were helpful with their feedback for me to get started, create a successful project proposal, and understand how to work in the open-source community.
I am looking forward to being an active contributor and learning more from the community.
3. Improve Network Linux System Role
Mentors of this project are Thomas Haller (FAS id: thaller), Richard Megginson (FAS id: rmeggins), Till Maas, and Pavel Cahyna (FAS id: pcahyna). They have Selected Elvira García Ruiz as the intern and here is Elvira in their own words
I’m a master student based in Seville, Spain. I’m currently finishing my Computation and AI master. I’ve been part of SUGUS GNU/LINUX free software association in my university for the past three years. In the association, I have learned many things: what Fedora was, how to contribute to a free software project, and also the existence of GSOC!
Since I was informed by my schoolmates of the kindness of the Fedora community, and the Linux System Roles project matched my skills, I decided to give it a try. I feel lucky and excited about working with such amazing engineers as those at Fedora, and I hope I can get the most out of it.
4. Packit with GitLab
Mentors for this project are František Lachman and Hunor Csomortáni. They have selected Shreyas Papinwar (FAS id: spapinwar). Here is Shreyas in their own words
First and foremost, I love writing code. Ever since writing my first program in Python and manipulating it to produce the desired output, I have been obsessed with the idea of using software to solve practical problems. I believe in the power of programming to transform and improve the lives of people around the world. I am from Maharashtra, India. This is my second year applying for GSoC, so like everyone else I started looking in many organizations, I chose fedora mainly because of the community response and mentor conversation, which is really positive and enjoyable to work with giving me the knowledge and experience of the same. I contacted Hunor Csomortáni and František Lachman when the projects were announced. They really helped me a lot while learning about the project.
On behalf of all Fedora Summer Coding members, I welcome all the interns and We are really glad you applied to the Fedora Project. We hope you have a good experience and we are looking forward to your involvement with the projects even after the summer coding period ends.
We also recommend all the Interns (and others as well) to join #fedora-summer-coding@Freenode or https://t.me/fedoraSummerCoding on telegram.
Contact us
If you have any doubts or queries around the Fedora Summer Coding programs, Please do ping Sumantro Mukherjee (FAS id: sumantrom) or me.
For Outreachy, you can also contact Justin W. Flory (jflory7) or Marie Nordin (FAS id: riecatnor).
We are now accepting project requests for Google Summer of docs. Please use the mentored project issues if you want to participate.
Thank you
Start the discussion by commenting on the auto-created topic at discussion.fedoraproject.org