This is a part of the Mindshare Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Thursday, 28 May and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Thursday, 11 June.

Interview with Alessio Ciregia

  • Fedora account: alciregi
  • IRC nick: alciregi (found in fedora-join #fedora-it #fedora-ask #fedora others)
  • Fedora user wiki page


Is there a specific task or issue you think that Mindshare should address this term?

Communication is the key. One of the goals of the Mindshare Committee is to act as a bridge between the various teams. Mindshare should facilitate the information flow with the aim to spread to the whole community what happens in each team, also when a team is in trouble and needs help.
Another task should be the definition of Emeritus Ambassadors, reviving the still active Ambassadors and at the same time facilitating the raise of a low-friction figure called Advocate.

Mindshare has already done a great work to lower the bureaucracy in the process to represent Fedora around the world.

Please elaborate on the personal “Why” which motivates you to be a candidate for Mindshare.

Honestly, I don’t take part in these elections in order to be elected. I’m aware that there are more experienced and capable people than me in the community. But I think that active participation is the key for an healthy and vibrant community.

What are your thoughts on the impact (as an individual and then as a Mindshare group) that the group will have on the Fedora Mission?

As a group, Mindshare should encourage the community members and teams to spread information. Sometimes people is busy in their tasks, so Mindshare should also act as a collector of information and should take care of spreading them.

As an individual, as said before, I think that participating in the community life bringing ideas, suggestions, comments and notes, is an important task for the longevity of a community, even if you are not an expert in the technical areas.