Category: Globalization (page 1 of 3)

All articles in this category are related to Globalization (g11n), which includes localization, internationalization, and translation teams in Fedora.

Test Week: Internationalization (i18n) features for Fedora 34

All this week, we will be testing internationalization (i18n) features in Fedora 34. Those are as follows:

  • kasumi-unicode: — kasumi-unicode will be generated newly with kasumi.spec in kasumi project.
  • ibus-anthy for default Japanese IME:— The current default Japanese IME(input method engine) is ibus-kkc and the default is going to change to ibus-anthy to develop Japanese IME more effectively.
  • ibus-m17n as default Sinhala IME :— The current default input method for Sinhala is ibus-sayura. This should change to the ibus-m17n input method “m17n:si:sayura – sayura (m17n)”
  • ibus-unikey as default Vietnamese IME :— This recommended default input method for Vietnamese will be changed from ibus-bogo to ibus-unikey
  • EnableHarfBuzzInFreeType :— Goal of this feature is to enable usage of HarfBuzz in FreeType to improve hinting of glyphs of languages which needs more complicated text shaping.
  • IBus 1.5.24 :— IBus will provide GTK4 IM module and enhance ibus-setup to search input method names more easily.
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Test Days: Internationalization (i18n) features for Fedora 33

All of this week, we will be testing internationalization (i18n) features in Fedora 33. Those are as follows:

  • IBus 1.5.23: will replace the allowlist of XKB engines with the denylist of XKB ones
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Fedora documentation is now multilingual

The Fedora project documentation website provides a lot of end-users content. All of this content is now translateable, providing a powerful tool for our multilingual communication. Writers will continue to work as usual. The publishing tools automatically convert content and push it to the translation platform. Then, translated content is automatically published.

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Latest Status of Fedora L10n platform migration

We have successfully migrated the Fedora L10n platform to Weblate, and the previous platform Zanata is at its EOL, and the translation site will be shutdown soon.

It’s necessary for us to migrate all of the required work to the new platform. This will make sure future Fedora releases will not be affected and will be as smooth as before.

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30 projects migrated their translation to Weblate, what about yours?

The localization community gave it’s approval: Weblate fits our expectations. Many projects have already migrated. It’s time for yours to migrate, because the next Fedora release will mark the end of the old translation platform.

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Fedora localization platform migrates to Weblate

Fedora Project provides an operating system that is used in a wide variety of languages and cultures. To make it easy for non-native English speakers to use Fedora, significant effort is made to translate the user interfaces, websites and other materials.

Part of this work is done in the Fedora translation platform, which will migrate to Weblate in the coming months.

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Fedora Localization project status and horizons

L10n (short for “localization”) is the Fedora sub-project dedicated to translation. It is unique in its form and organization because under this label are a set of autonomous teams of speakers. Some statistics will show you the reduction of our community, and invite you to come discuss with us at Flock.

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Fedora Docs Translations FAD Report

Last week Jean-Baptiste Holcroft and Adam Šamalík met in Strasbourg for Docs Translations mini-FAD in order to prototype translations support for the Fedora Docs website. And we did a lot of work! This post is a report from the event, a status report, and a brief plan for how to move forward.

Our goal was to make sure we’re both on the same page about how it’s all going to work, to do some coding and publish a functional prototype, and to write a set of requirements for a potential production deployment.

The event happened a co-working space Le Shadok and we were grateful for being able to use the spaces for free.

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Fedora Kernel and i18n Test Day: PICT College


We met for 2 meeting instances to plan this college meetup, once on 30th August 2018 and then again on 3rd September 2018 in Red Hat office. This event was planned as an alternative to the September Fedora Pune Meetup. We decided to do something different this time by executing a recent Fedora 29 test day with a room full of students of Computer department in the PICT college of Pune. Professor Mayur was our point of contact in the college and we had shared the Fedora 29 image under test with him. He ensured students have it installed on their respective systems before the actual test day. Pravin Satpute from Red hat helped us with coordination with the college. Kaushik Banerjee arranged for few Fedora and Red Hat badges to distribute among the attending students. The event took place on Friday, 7th September 2018.

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Test Days: Internationalization (i18n) features for Fedora 29

All this week, we will be testing for  i18n features in Fedora 29. Those are as follows:

  • Liberation Fonts 2 – Liberation 2.00.3 has wider character coverage and automated hinting instructions.
  • CJK Default To Noto FontsThis change will provides better quality of rendering for all of Chinese, Japanese and Korean  characters. We will now have default installed Serif face for Japanese and Korean, and also a Monospace face for all of CJK languages and keep consistencies in look among those typefaces.
  • IBUS 1.5.19 – Now users can type either emoji annotation or Unicode names on the current application and see the composing text before the final committed text is output.

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