Author: Adam Šamalík

Fedora Magazine trying Discourse

Starting today, Thursday 25 June 2020, the Fedora Magazine community is trying Fedora Discussion — a web forum using Discourse — as the primary communication mechanism.

The forum replaces two previously used communication channels:

  1. The Fedora Magazine mailing list used for general discussion
  2. The Pagure issue tracker used for submitting and discussion new article proposals

Having both of these merged into a single channel makes it easier for community members to see what is going on and join the discussion.

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Extending the Minimization objective

Earlier this summer, the Fedora Council approved the first phase of the Minimization objective. Minimization looks at package dependencies and tries to minimize the footprint for a variety of use cases. The first phase resulted in the development of a feedback pipeline, a better understanding of the problem space, and some initial ideas for policy improvements.

Phase two is now submitted to the Council for approval. In this phase, the team will select specific use cases to target and work to develop a minimized set of packages for them. You can read the updated objective in pull request #64. Please provide feedback there or on the council-discuss mailing list. The Council will vote on this in two weeks.

Modularity at Flock 2019

Come and discuss Modularity at Flock! There are three sessions ready that will help you decide when to make a module, how to make them, and a discussion about making everything Modularity work better.

Talk: Modularity: modularize or not to modularize?

Are you a maintainer of packages in Fedora and can’t decide when to use modules? Well, this talk is right for you. In about 15 minutes it will cover a few specific use cases and demonstrate what Modularity solves and what it doesn’t. We’ll have about 30 minutes to discuss any other topics the audience comes up with.

Talk: Tools for Making Modules in Fedora

If you decided you want to use modules, this might be a talk for you. Merlin will walk you through the steps of putting together a module, building it, testing it, and more! All of this in 25 minutes!

Hack: Modularity & Packager Experience BoF

Making modules has not been always an easy process. The technology is very new and there are still some things to finish. Come and help us make it better! We’ll have half a day dedicated to discuss, design, make plans, hack, and more.

Modularity vs. libgit

Fire! Libgit can’t be installed, module changes are being temporarily reverted, and one of our great contributors are thinking about moving their packages out of Fedora.

This blog post has been written to summarize the problem, explain how we got here, offer potential solutions that would work right now, and to set a common ground for a discussion on the devel list about how to address this and similar problems properly.

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Fedora Docs Translations FAD Report

Last week Jean-Baptiste Holcroft and Adam Šamalík met in Strasbourg for Docs Translations mini-FAD in order to prototype translations support for the Fedora Docs website. And we did a lot of work! This post is a report from the event, a status report, and a brief plan for how to move forward.

Our goal was to make sure we’re both on the same page about how it’s all going to work, to do some coding and publish a functional prototype, and to write a set of requirements for a potential production deployment.

The event happened a co-working space Le Shadok and we were grateful for being able to use the spaces for free.

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