Category: Marketing (page 1 of 2)

All articles in this category are related to the Marketing team in the Fedora Project.

My Experience as a Fedora Intern

As my internship with Fedora comes to an end, I reflect on my experiences over the past five months.  I began my internship in May, applying to a Community Architect position posted through Red Hat. I was unfamiliar with the Fedora community, but was eager to learn and contribute to the communities. Marie Nordin, the former Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator guided me the whole way. She taught me about the passion and enthusiasm the open source community respects within community involvement. 

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Mindshare Committee Quarterly Report – Q1 2022

The Mindshare Committee publishes a Quarterly Report, with this post being our second edition. It covers activities from the Mindshare Committee and related teams for the months of January, February, and March of 2022. As always, we welcome feedback on how we can improve these reports in the related Mindshare ticket.

Help Wanted in Q2 2022

Take a look at the links below and see how you can get involved. For tickets and Discussion threads, make sure to comment your interest in getting involved.

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Let’s try to do marketing as a team again!

I’ve announced in the Mindshare, Design and Ambassadors mailing lists that I will try to revive the Marketing team.

Previously the marketing team was in charge of several tasks related to how the Fedora Project displays information to the public, working closely with Design, that produces assets, and Ambassadors, who attend events promoting Fedora Linux and the Fedora Project. The work of the team mostly focused on communicating the changes and new features in each release as bullet points that Ambassadors could use in their events.

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The Fedora Podcast is back! But it needs your help

The Fedora Marketing team is bringing back the Fedora Podcast. We have two main people working on it currently: Eduard (x3mboy) and me (Grayson/computerkid). That has been working great to get things rolling but there is plenty to do and. We need to bring in more of the community After all, Fedora is Friends and we need help from our friends! We also want to have a diverse group of folks involved in the Fedora Podcast project.

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Community Survey Results Summary

As a part of the Community Outreach Revamp the Objective co-leads, Mariana (marianab) and Sumantro (sumantrom) along with FCIAC, Marie Nordin (riecatnor), tried to capture the “bright spots” of what motivated the engagement of Fedora Ambassadors. The team approached the situation by developing a set of questions and implementing a community survey.

The idea was to primarily capture:

  • Why people do outreach for Fedora
  • How people participate in outreach currently
  • What do people want to be doing for outreach

The community survey received over 40 complete responses (over 100 incomplete) and the results we found provided some interesting and clear insights for the Revamp. The co-leads, FCAIC, along with Vipul (siddharthvipul1), Ashlyn (lilyx), Alberto (bt0dotninja) and Sayak (sayak), spent several meetings analyzing the responses question by question.

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Fedora Magazine trying Discourse

Starting today, Thursday 25 June 2020, the Fedora Magazine community is trying Fedora Discussion — a web forum using Discourse — as the primary communication mechanism.

The forum replaces two previously used communication channels:

  1. The Fedora Magazine mailing list used for general discussion
  2. The Pagure issue tracker used for submitting and discussion new article proposals

Having both of these merged into a single channel makes it easier for community members to see what is going on and join the discussion.

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Fedora at SCaLE 17x (2019) Event Report – Pasadena, California

At a Glance: What is SCaLE?

The Fedora Ambassadors gathered statistical feedback from attendees and distributed swag items during SCaLE’s four-day expo.

  • Frequency of the release cycle past Fedora Release 29 trended with guests.
  • Peak visitor days were Friday and Saturday.
  • We collected detailed information for our various Fedora teams. Roll-up found below.

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Adding your events to fedocal

This message is provided by the Marketing team.

We, the Marketing team, want to promote those events where you are representing the Fedora Community. To do this, we are requesting you to add your events to fedocal.

Fedora Cal Display
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Flock 2017 – A Marketing talk about a new era to come.

I had two session at Flock this year, one done by me and another in support of Robert Mayr in the Mindshare one, if there were been any need for discussing.
Here I’m talking about my session: Marketing – tasks and visions (I will push the report about the second one after Robert’s one, for completion).

In order to fit the real target of a Flock conference (that is a contributor conference, not a show where people must demonstrate how much cool they are; we know it!) is to bring and show something new, whether ideas, software, changes and so on, and discuss with other contributors if they’re really innovative, useful and achievable.

We have four foundations and two of them are fitting this concept, friends and first because I’d like to see always news shared with friends.

This year talk was focused on the Marketing activities and how we can make it easier and smarter.

My presentation (after the usual “who am I” and “where you can find us”) started showing what we’re doing, assuming the statement Marketing have in Fedora (What we do), the release tasks (Tasks), the release activities (Releas Activities), and the tickets in Pagure (Tickets) along with other more general activities.

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A proposal: Ambassadors and Fedora strategy

Fedora is big. We are a huge community of people with diverse interests. We have different ideas for what we want to build, and we want different things in return from our collective effort. At the same time, we are one project with shared goals and limited resources. We are more effective in this competitive world when we agree on common goals and work towards those, rather than everyone going in the direction each person thinks is best individually.¹

The Fedora Council is tasked with taking community input and shaping this shared strategy. As part of this, we’ve written a new mission statement and have a draft overview page presenting it. We’ve said for a while that we want the work of Fedora Ambassadors to align with this mission directly. We’re getting feedback, though, that this is easier to say than to put into practice, which is understandable because, by nature, mission statements are high-level.

So, I have a proposal. As part of the Fedora Council’s charter, we have Fedora Objectives:

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