Author: Gabriele Trombini

Flock 2017 – A Marketing talk about a new era to come.

I had two session at Flock this year, one done by me and another in support of Robert Mayr in the Mindshare one, if there were been any need for discussing.
Here I’m talking about my session: Marketing – tasks and visions (I will push the report about the second one after Robert’s one, for completion).

In order to fit the real target of a Flock conference (that is a contributor conference, not a show where people must demonstrate how much cool they are; we know it!) is to bring and show something new, whether ideas, software, changes and so on, and discuss with other contributors if they’re really innovative, useful and achievable.

We have four foundations and two of them are fitting this concept, friends and first because I’d like to see always news shared with friends.

This year talk was focused on the Marketing activities and how we can make it easier and smarter.

My presentation (after the usual “who am I” and “where you can find us”) started showing what we’re doing, assuming the statement Marketing have in Fedora (What we do), the release tasks (Tasks), the release activities (Releas Activities), and the tickets in Pagure (Tickets) along with other more general activities.

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Marketing – Year in Review

Fedora experienced a significant amount of growth and development over the last year. With the growth and recent changes, there were new challenges that Fedora and the Marketing team had to face. The Magazine went really well with significant growth concerning the overall traffic (many thanks to Paul, Ryan, Joe, Chris, Justin) and with more infrastructure stability (thanks to Chris again and Patrick). On the other hand, the institutional part of Marketing experienced difficulties in keeping current with the changes that 2015 brought.

There were many strengths that were preserved (organizing tasks, using a ticketing workflow, discussion in the IRC channel, and communications in general), but the Year in Review analysis is targeted towards identifying and setting goals for improvement in this current year.

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FAmSCo Elections: Interview with Gabriele Trombini (mailga)

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Fedora Ambassador Steering Committee badge

This is a part of the FAmSCo Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Tuesday, December 08 and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Monday, December 14th. Please read the responses from candidates and make your choices carefully. Feel free to ask questions to the candidates here (preferred) or elsewhere!

Interview with Gabriele Trombini

  • Fedora Account: mailga
  • IRC: mailga (mainly in #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora-commops, #fedora-docs, #fedora-join, #fedora-mktg, #fedora-websites)
  • Fedora User Wiki Page

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