Author: Jean-Baptiste Holcroft

Fedora documentation is now multilingual

The Fedora project documentation website provides a lot of end-users content. All of this content is now translateable, providing a powerful tool for our multilingual communication. Writers will continue to work as usual. The publishing tools automatically convert content and push it to the translation platform. Then, translated content is automatically published.

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30 projects migrated their translation to Weblate, what about yours?

The localization community gave it’s approval: Weblate fits our expectations. Many projects have already migrated. It’s time for yours to migrate, because the next Fedora release will mark the end of the old translation platform.

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Fedora localization platform migrates to Weblate

Fedora Project provides an operating system that is used in a wide variety of languages and cultures. To make it easy for non-native English speakers to use Fedora, significant effort is made to translate the user interfaces, websites and other materials.

Part of this work is done in the Fedora translation platform, which will migrate to Weblate in the coming months.

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Fedora Localization project status and horizons

L10n (short for “localization”) is the Fedora sub-project dedicated to translation. It is unique in its form and organization because under this label are a set of autonomous teams of speakers. Some statistics will show you the reduction of our community, and invite you to come discuss with us at Flock.

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