Wednusday, 2018-10-03, is the DNF 3.5 Test Day!
DNF 3.5 has a support for modularity and this test day is vital to test and catch bugs and any performance issues.
Why test DNF 3.5?
This instalment of Fedora Test Day will focus on testing:
- Feedback on modularity
- Serious regressions to YUM v3
- User experience issues (inconsistencies, awkward behavior)
- Any performance issues
We need your help!
All the instructions are on the wiki page, so please read through and come help us test! As always, the event will be in #fedora-test-day
on Freenode IRC.
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October 4, 2018 — 00:56
I’m really excited about this new version of dnf, I sincerely hope it brings more usability to the Fedora system user.