Hello readers of community blog!

Recently on community blog round table meeting we had an interesting conversation about the future of community blog and we would like to hear your feedback on that discussion.

What is this change about? We would like to move from your wordpress instance to discussions.fedoraproject.org as new category with new team of curators. Why this change you ask? Here is the list of improvements that this would bring us:

  • Simpler editor workflow – this could potentially help us to get more editors for community blog and the actual reviews should be faster
  • One place to read the blog posts – we are currently forwarding all the blog posts to discussions anyway and this is also used to enable comments for blog posts
  • One less service to maintain – we are already maintaining and using discussions as Fedora and maintaining wordpress instance on top of that for community blog is more work that is not adding much

Here is the space for your feedback. Do you think this is a good idea? What would you miss on discussions.fedoraproject.org compared to wordpress instance. Please let us know in comments.

If you want to be a potential curator for new community blog let us know in the comments as well.