Tag: Anaconda

Anaconda is getting a new suit and a wizard

In January, we published “Anaconda is getting a new suit” to let you know that we’re looking to modernize and improve Anaconda’s user experience. Before starting the redesign work for the Anaconda installer, the team reviewed user feedback and usability study data that we’ve gathered over the years. 

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Anaconda is getting a new suit

It’s quite some time since we created the current GTK based UI for Anaconda: the OS installer for Fedora, RHEL, CentOS. For a long time we (the Anaconda team) were looking for possibilities to modernize and improve the user experience. In this post, we would like to explain what we are working on, and—most of all—inform you about what you can expect in the future.

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Anaconda BlivetGUI Test Day: 2017-04-06

BlivetGUI inside of the Fedora Anaconda installer

BlivetGUI option inside of the Fedora Anaconda installer

Thursday, 2017-04-06, is the Anaconda BlivetGUI Test Day! As part of this planned Change for Fedora 26, we need your help to test Anaconda BlivetGUI!

Why test BlivetGUI?

We’ll be testing the new, detailed, bottom-up configuration screen that has been long requested by users. Inclusion of blivet-gui into Anaconda finally makes this a reality. On the other hand, it adds a new option without changing the existing advanced storage configuration so users that prefer the top-down configuration can still use it. We hope to see whether it’s working well enough and catch any remaining issues.

We need your help!

All the instructions are on the wiki page, so please read through and come help us test! As always, the event will be in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC.

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