Tag: education

Fedora participating in Google Summer of Code 2018

GSoC is a summer program aiming to bring more student developers into open source software development. It enables students to spend their summer break working with open source organizations on projects proposed by participating organizations and supported by mentors.

The Fedora Project has participated in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) as a mentoring organization for over a decade now. Once again, Fedora is participating again this year. We are happy to be accepted again as an organization this year and are looking forward to working with many bright and excited students across the world on many parts of Fedora.

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Fedora returns to HackMIT 2017

Every year, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) hosts an annual hackathon, HackMIT, for students around the world. Students gathered again for HackMIT 2017 on the weekend of September 16-17, 2017. During the weekend, students form teams with other students and work on projects to compete in various categories. Participants often release their projects under open source licenses at the end of the hackathon.

The Fedora Project participated as a sponsor for the second year in a row. Justin W. Flory and Mike DePaulo attended as Fedora Ambassadors to represent the project and the community.

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Fedora Google Summer of Code Students for 2017

On Thursday, May 4th, the official announcement of accepted projects for this year’s Google Summer of Code (GSoC) was released.  Fedora is proud to be one of the selected participating organizations and we’re pleased to announce who will spend the summer hacking on Fedora-related projects!

What is Google Summer of Code?

In case you’ve never heard of the program, you can head to the GSoC homepage. The sub-title on the page sums it up perfectly:

Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work with an open source organization on a 3 month programming project during their break from school.

That basically means Google, together with FLOSS organizations, selects many talented students. These students are offered the oportunity to have an internship with the FLOSS organization.  The students are paid a stipend by Google to allow them to keep their summer free for the internship.

Google started the program in 2005 and Fedora has been participating since 2006. That means this is the eleventh year Fedora has taken part! Last year, a total of 1,206 students were accepted, 10 of whom were with Fedora.

What projects were accepted?

This year, a total of 1317 students have been accepted and six of them will be working on different Fedora or Fedora-related projects. The areas of those projects can’t be summed up easily so we’re linking to their proposal pages directly (for those who didn’t forget to put it on the wiki). If you’re not in the mood to read them at this point, worry not, a follow-up post will contain a short gist of their proposals.

Now without further a do, here is a list of the 6 students!

What happens next?

Now is the time for community bonding which means the students will now set up their Fedora accounts, start hanging around on the IRC channels, mailing lists and get the overall feel of the Fedora community, while also setting up their blogs to write about their progress during the summer.  This is also the time for you to make friends with them and welcome them to our community.

It is also the time to start setting up their development environment and they can even start sending small patches to their respective projects.

However, the actual coding part (that is, hacking away on what’s included in the proposal) will start on 30th of May and ends on 21st of August.

In a follow-up post, we’ll bring you the links to their blogs, along with the students’ introductions.

Fedora at Technologix 2017

On 16th March’17, Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering (SJCE), Mysore invited Red Hat to be the part of there ongoing CSI fest, Technologix. Red Hat was the premium sponsor of the fest. The event was a success with fresh energy. Most of the students were sophomores and were aware about Fedora, Linux and open source.

Four speakers, including me, decided to go and talk about different technologies used at Red Hat extensively. We traveled from Bangalore to Mysore in a car, with made the journey more exciting. It took us nearly 3.5 hours to reach our destination. On reaching there, Vishnupriya, a student from SJCE, welcomed us and guided us to the guest rooms.

The session started at 2:30 pm with about 150-200 students waiting to learn about technologies used in industry. The CSI members welcomed us with flower bouquet and inspiring words.

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Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2017: Mentors and ideas needed!

The Fedora Project has participated in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) as a mentoring organization for over a decade now. GSoC is a summer program aiming to bring more student developers into open source software development. It enables students to spend their summer break working with open source organizations on projects proposed by particpation organizations and supported by mentors. Once again, Fedora is participating again this year and is looking for project ideas.

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FOSS Wave: CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India

On 18 October 2016, we organized a workshop at the CMR Institute of Technology in Bengaluru, India. In the workshop, we covered topics of free and open source software (FOSS), Fedora, and git. Before talking about the event, I would like to thank a few people whose presence made this event a huge success. I would like to thank

  • Anirban Ghosh and Arun Teja for organizing the event at CMR IT.
  • All the attendees who came in a huge number and made this event a grand success.
  • Sumantro Mukherjee for being an amazing mentor and guiding us through the event.

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FOSS Wave: Indore, India

FOSS Wave arrives at another destination! On 24th September 2016, we conducted an event at the Indian Institute of Technology in Indore, India. The event was a joint effort of Mozilla Indore community and FOSS Wave.

The main agenda of our event was:

  • Introduction to open source
  • Web development
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Web-powered Virtual Reality (Web VR)

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HackMIT meets Fedora

HackMIT is the annual hackathon event organized by students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. HackMIT 2016 took place on September 17th and 18th, 2016. This year, the Fedora Project partnered with Red Hat as sponsors for the hackathon. Fedora Ambassadors Charles Profitt and Justin W. Flory attended to represent the project and help mentor top students from around the country in a weekend of learning and competitive hacking. Fedora engaged with a new audience of students from various universities across America and even the globe.

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Announcing Fedora Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Class of 2016

On Friday, April 22nd, Google officially announced the participants for the 11th year of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program. If you’re not familiar with Google Summer of Code, you can read more on the Community Blog. There were 1,205 accepted projects submitted for this year. Several open source organizations participated by offering projects for students to work on.

This year, Fedora was a participating organization. Alongside Fedora-specific projects, there were several other projects with Fedora, such as…

The applications were many and it was difficult to narrow them down. We are happy and confident with this year’s selection of participants.

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Fedora accepted to Google Summer of Code 2016

The Fedora Project is pleased to announce that this summer will mark our TENTH year participating in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program! We are happy to be accepted again as an organization this year and are looking forward to working with many bright and excited students across the world on many parts of Fedora.

This year, Fedora has Google Summer of Code project proposals for Fedora CommOps, Pagure, Hubs, Project Atomic, and a few others.

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