Tag: Fedora 24 release party

Fedora 24 Release Party in Singapore

As you might know, Fedora released its 24th version at the end of June! Recently, the Fedorans in Singapore had a party to celebrate the release.  The release party was not only to celebrate its release, but also to commemorate Fedora’s open source journey so far. We invited people from different diverse background to join us for a night of fun and open conversations (Singapore is a cosmopolitan country!)

Fedora 24 Release Party in Singapore: Fedora 24 DVDs

Some of the Fedora 24 DVDs and OpenSource.com stickers for the party

We had a RSVP of over 50 folks and expected more to join in. We set up the Fedora banners and were also ready to give out DVDs and stickers. However, on the day itself, there was a dropout rate of 60% and only around fifteen folks turned up. Most of the folks that turned up were students interested in learning more about Fedora. Nevertheless, it was a cozy and warm party that everyone felt pretty comfortable with.

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Fedora 24 Release Party: Bangalore, India

Fedora 24 Release Party, Bangalore, India: Contributors earning badges

Attendees earning badges as contributors!

Over the past few months, many of us in the Bangalore open source community have focused our efforts of writing test cases for Fedora, organizing a few sessions where one can learn about testing, and how we can do things together. All this while, it has been fun: I’ve met new people, learned things, and realized that sharing even small pieces of knowledge and experiences makes it easier for newcomers to feel welcome.

Organizing a release party

At one point when Fedora 24 was released, it was exciting as we were closely involved with Fedora release validation testing and so we wanted to put together a release party. All open source projects encourage their communities to celebrate software release and similar milestones. Ours was a simple plan! We were having a really good time learning together and we wanted to get more people to know that there is a better way to gain knowledge: by sharing and working together.

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Fedora 24 Release Party: SFVLUG Event Report

On July 2nd, 2016, the San Fernando Valley Linux User Group (SFVLUG) in Lake Balboa, California, celebrated the release of Fedora 24 at their regular meeting. Fedora Ambassador Perry Rivera (FAS: lajuggler) helped coordinate these efforts at their regular meetup at Denny’s. To help celebrate the launch of Fedora 24, Perry brought some install media and a Fedora cake. The release party helped introduce Fedora 24 to a new group of users by providing them with the software and help to get Fedora 24 for themselves. This report details the release party events with SFVLUG and the impact from the event.

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