Author: langdon

Renewing the Modularity objective

Now that Modularity is available for all Fedora variants, it’s time to address issues discovered and improve the experience for packagers and users. The Modularity team identified a number of projects that will improve the usefulness of Modularity and the experience of creating modules for packagers. We are proposing a renewed objective to the Fedora Council.

You can read the updated objective in pull request #61. Please provide feedback there or on the devel mailing list. The Council will vote on this in two weeks.

Modularity at Flock 2019

The Modularity Team was able to hold a session at Flock 2019 to gather feedback and discuss a few issues. The session was well attended and there was a bunch of great discussion.

We started out by spending 15 minutes, measured on a stopwatch(!) gathering the most pressing issues. The audience and the panel came up with quite a few ideas.

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Council Elections: Interview with Langdon White (langdon)

Fedora Ambassador Mentor badge used for Council

Fedora Council Elections begin soon

This is a part of the Council Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Tuesday, July 19 and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Monday, July 25th. Please read the responses from candidates and make your choices carefully. Feel free to ask questions to the candidates here (preferred) or elsewhere!

Interview with Langdon White

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Why modularization matters to Sys Admins

Modularization: Breaking a project down like LegosAs a systems administrator, you generally worry about two things. First, the security of the systems you support. Second, that the applications you run work as designed. You would like to do those two things with as little effort as possible, however, you want to be aware of and balance the risk inherent in meeting those goals.

Enter Fedora. Fedora curates the libraries and applications that are available to install on your local system(s). Fedora makes the promise that as soon as possible after the release of a patch or a new version of a library or an application it will make it available to you as a system administrator. However it does this by ensuring the sanctity of individual libraries. Effort is also made to ensure that dependent applications are also verified which consume that library.

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Modularity Use Case: Application Independence

A modularity use case in Fedora is much like working with legos.We will be writing a series of blog posts regarding the project to help the Modularity effort move forward. Some of the posts will be about “Why?” and some will be about “How?” As the first post in the series, this article is about “Why?

The Rings Proposal and the Modularity Objective are both about big ideas and a long-term vision. And it should be all those things. Grand visions are how Fedora is what it is today.

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Fedora Council Update: Modularization Objective

The Fedora Council requests that the Objective Leads and top-level teams provide periodic updates to present status and progress towards the mission of Fedora. Recently, I presented the status of the Fedora Modularization Objective. If you would like to track future Council updates, follow this blog, or attend yourself! The schedule is normally posted on the Council Mailing List.

Please keep an eye on the Environments & Stacks Working Group mailing list for ongoing progress with the Modularization Objective.

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