This article was originally published on Trishna Guha’s blog,

Bodhi is a web application that facilates the process of publishing package updates of Fedora. Once a package is submitted to Bodhi it goes through various stages: Pending, Testing, Stable, Obsolete. The details can be found here Package States.Fedora Bodhi Update System

There exist two types of policies in Bodhi, using any of them maintainers can publish their package updates (Pushing updates to Stable from Testing). Updates Policy documentation:

Updates Policy in Bodhi:

  • Manually push to stable based on time :
    • Auto-karma is disabled.
    • Update spends 14 days in testing.
    • Maintainer pushes the update to stable manually.
  • Automatic push  to stable based on karma :
    • Auto-karma is enabled.
    • Stable Karma threshold is reached.
    • The update is pushed to stable automatically.

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