Category: CoreOS

Fedora CoreOS is an automatically updating, minimal, monolithic, container-focused operating system, designed for clusters but also operable standalone, optimized for Kubernetes but also great without it. Its goal is to provide the best container host to run containerized workloads securely and at scale.

Contribute at the Fedora 36 CoreOS Test Week

The Fedora CoreOS team released the first Fedora CoreOS next stream release based on Fedora Linux 36. They expect to promote this to the testing stream in two weeks, on the usual schedule. As a result, the Fedora CoreOS and QA teams have organized a test week. It is underway now and runs through the end of the week. Refer to the wiki page for links to the test cases and materials you’ll need to participate. Read below for details.

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Contribute at the Fedora 34 CoreOS Test Day

The Fedora CoreOS team released the first Fedora CoreOS next stream release based on Fedora 34. They expect to promote this to the testing stream in two weeks, on the usual schedule. As a result, the Fedora CoreOS and QA teams have organized a test week. It begins Monday, April 26, 2021 and runs through the end of the week. Refer to the wiki page for links to the test cases and materials you’ll need to participate. Read below for details.

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Contribute at the Fedora CoreOS Test Day

The Fedora 33 CoreOS Test Day focuses on testing FCOS based on Fedora 33.
The FCOS next stream is already rebased on Fedora 33 content, which will
be coming soon to testing and stable. To prepare for the content being
promoted to other streams the Fedora CoreOS and QA teams have organized a test day on Friday, November 06, 2020 (results accepted through Thursday, November 12). Refer to the wiki page for links to the test cases and materials you’ll need to participate. Read below for details.

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Fedora status updates: September 2020

Welcome to the newly-revitalized monthly set of updates on key areas within Fedora. This update includes Fedora Council representatives, Fedora Editions, and Fedora Objectives. The content here is based on the regular updates submitted to the Fedora Council, published to the project dashboard.

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