Tag: Wayland

Fedora at SCaLE 15x (2017) Event Report – Pasadena, California

At a Glance: What is SCaLE?

The Fedora Ambassadors distributed DVDs and swag items during SCaLE’s four-day expo and held a Fedora Day activity consisting of two presentations and a general meet up. Furthermore, we held a mini-memorial in honor of our Fedora Ambassador Matthew Williams.

  • Wayland in Fedora 25 proved to be positively popular with guests.
  • We exhausted an entire box of F25/F24 media by Friday and an entire box of F25 media on Saturday and Sunday and estimated distributing 650 DVDs total.
  • Peak visitors days were Friday and Saturday.
  • We collected highly detailed feedback for our various Fedora teams. Roll-up found below.

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Wayland By Default Test Day 2016-10-13

Today, Thursday, 2016-10-13, is the Wayland by Default Test Day! As part of this planned Change for Fedora 25, we need your help to test Wayland by Default! Using Wayland instead of X gives a better basis for isolating applications from each other and the rest of the system.

testdaywaylandWhy test Wayland By Default?

Systems using certain graphics hardware or graphics drivers (matrox, qxl) may have problems running the Wayland session. In these (rare) cases, users may have to configure gdm to use X11 (although automatic fallback should work most of the time). If we don’t manage to close all the feature parity gaps entirely, users relying on those features may have to choose the X11-based session.

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Fedora 24 Release Party in Singapore

As you might know, Fedora released its 24th version at the end of June! Recently, the Fedorans in Singapore had a party to celebrate the release.  The release party was not only to celebrate its release, but also to commemorate Fedora’s open source journey so far. We invited people from different diverse background to join us for a night of fun and open conversations (Singapore is a cosmopolitan country!)

Fedora 24 Release Party in Singapore: Fedora 24 DVDs

Some of the Fedora 24 DVDs and OpenSource.com stickers for the party

We had a RSVP of over 50 folks and expected more to join in. We set up the Fedora banners and were also ready to give out DVDs and stickers. However, on the day itself, there was a dropout rate of 60% and only around fifteen folks turned up. Most of the folks that turned up were students interested in learning more about Fedora. Nevertheless, it was a cozy and warm party that everyone felt pretty comfortable with.

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Wayland is default in Fedora Workstation Rawhide

Fedora developer Ray Strode recently posted to the Fedora Developers list with the news that Wayland is now used by default when you log into GNOME with Fedora Workstation.  Previously to try out Wayland with Workstation, there was an additional session in the login screen that allowed you to choose either login with Xorg or Wayland. This change is part of the much anticipated proposed Fedora 24 feature, Wayland by Default. 

Ray also noted that, as the Change is still proposed, if Wayland by default doesn’t pan out, or the change doesn’t get approved rawhide will be switched back to having both sessions.

Ray also noted:

“But it’s good to get this in rawhide now, so we can get as much
exposure as possible to potential Wayland problems and get them fixed up before release.”

So if you use Rawhide, test away and file bugs!

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