Tag: web development (page 1 of 2)

Fedora Websites and Apps Team – What have we been up to?

I’m back to share the progress our team has been making in our efforts to revamp the Fedora websites. Over the last few months, the team has gone beyond maintaining the websites in their current states. This increase in activity has led to the following positive changes in both the in-development websites and the team ecosystem.

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A new conceptual model for Fedora

[Editor’s note: This post was originally published on Máirín Duffy’s blog. It is republished here with permission.]

Screenshot of the current getfedora.org website
Screenshot of the current getfedora.org website
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Outreachy FHP week 7: Django, Docker, and fedora-messaging

This is part of a recurring series between May – August 2019 on the Community Blog about Fedora Happiness Packets. These posts are published as part of a series of prompts from the Outreachy program.

From Outreachy.org: The theme for this week is “Modifying Expectations”. Outreachy mentors and interns start the internship with a specific set of project goals. However, usually those goals need to be modified, and that’s perfectly fine! Delays to projects happen. Maybe your project turned out to be more complicated than you or your mentor anticipated. Maybe you needed to learn some concepts before you could tackle project tasks. Maybe the community documention wasn’t up-to-date or was wrong. These are all perfectly valid reasons for projects to be a bit behind schedule, as long as you’ve been working full-time on the project. In fact, free and open source contributors have to deal with these kinds of issues all the time. Projects often seem simple until you start working on them. Project timelines are ususally a very optimistic view of what could happen if everything goes exactly as planned. It often doesn’t, but people still make optimistic plans. Modifying your project timeline to set more realistic goals is a skill all contributors need to learn.

Your goal for this week’s blog post is to write a report about your progress on your project. Talk about what you accomplished so far. Talk about what goals too more time than expected. The blog post should also detail what your modified goals for the second half of the internship is.

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Outreachy FHP week 7: Pytest, UI enhancements, FAS search

This is part of a recurring series between May – August 2019 on the Community Blog about Fedora Happiness Packets. These posts are published as part of a series of prompts from the Outreachy program.

From Outreachy.org: The theme for this week is “Modifying Expectations”. Outreachy mentors and interns start the internship with a specific set of project goals. However, usually those goals need to be modified, and that’s perfectly fine! Delays to projects happen. Maybe your project turned out to be more complicated than you or your mentor anticipated. Maybe you needed to learn some concepts before you could tackle project tasks. Maybe the community documention wasn’t up-to-date or was wrong. These are all perfectly valid reasons for projects to be a bit behind schedule, as long as you’ve been working full-time on the project. In fact, free and open source contributors have to deal with these kinds of issues all the time. Projects often seem simple until you start working on them. Project timelines are ususally a very optimistic view of what could happen if everything goes exactly as planned. It often doesn’t, but people still make optimistic plans. Modifying your project timeline to set more realistic goals is a skill all contributors need to learn.

Your goal for this week’s blog post is to write a report about your progress on your project. Talk about what you accomplished so far. Talk about what goals too more time than expected. The blog post should also detail what your modified goals for the second half of the internship is.

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FHP: Outreachy! Is it that hard to crack?

This is part of a recurring series between May – August 2019 on the Community Blog about Fedora Happiness Packets. These posts are published as part of a series of prompts from the Outreachy program.

Getting into one of the reputed internship programs might seem scary and unachievable especially when you don’t consider yourself an expert in that field, but trust me it’s not that hard to get into. How can I say this with so much certainty? Well, I got into Outreachy, one of the prestigious internships as a Fedora intern and through this article, I want to share my journey with you all.

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Integrating Fedora Messaging in Fedora Happiness Packets

The Federated Message Bus, or Fedmsg, is used within the Fedora Infrastructure to easily connect services using ZeroMQ publishers and subscribers. This library is now deprecated in favour of Fedora Messaging.

Fedora Messaging provides a framework for declaring message schemas and a set of APIs to publish and consume messages to and from AMQP brokers.

In the project Fedora Happiness Packets, Fedmsg was set up to send messages to the Bus so that Fedora Badges could be awarded to the sender when they send a Happiness Packet, i.e an email worth of appreciation! My piece in this jigsaw was to migrate from Fedmsg to Fedora Messaging in this containerized project.

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My Outreachy 2019 experience with Fedora Happiness Packets: Contribution phase

Firstly, what’s Outreachy?

Outreachy is a program that provides internships to work in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Outreachy internships are open to applicants around the world. Interns work remotely, and are not required to move. Interns are paid a stipend of $5,500 USD for the three month internship. Interns have a $500 USD travel stipend to attend conferences or events.

How did I get into it?

I was looking for a remote job (more on this in another blog) and have been applying to many positions that I thought I would fit in. If you have applied to jobs, you would know that this process is not very forgiving. Most of the applications had no response, and some others already had the positions filled (I don’t know why was the job listing not taken down 😕).

During this process I was actively learning new things, mostly JS based since my basic stack is HTML-CSS-JS. So I was learning NodeJs, MongoDB, React to build up my skill-set and get better at what I want to do.

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Outreachy 2019 with Fedora Happiness Packets: application period

Outreachy provides remote internship under Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Communities to the under represented groups in technology. It runs twice an year, mid-year and end of year. I decided to participate in its summer run.

Why Outreachy?

Before I get into anything, as a rule of thumb, I ask myself why? Why is it that I wanted to participate in Outreachy?

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FAS username search in Fedora Happiness Packets

I have been recently working on incorporation of Fedora Accounts System’s username search functionality in the project “Fedora Happiness Packets”. After weeks of working, it’s so overwhelming to see its on the verge of completion and being incorporated in the project.

About the project

The search functionality is used to find the name and email address of Fedora Accounts System’s users from their username, making it a lot easier for any sender to send happiness packets to a particular user with the knowledge of just their username.

Getting started with python-fedora API

For incorporating the search, python-fedora API is used to retrieve the data. After authenticating as a genuine fas-user by passing credentials to AccountSystem, we can retrieve the data using the method person_by_username of a fas2 object.

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Call for maintainers: Fedora package tagger

The Fedora package tagger application is looking for new maintainers by April 5, 2018; otherwise, Fedora Infrastructure will retire the app.

Before DevConfCZ 2018, the Fedora Infrastructure team met to review the “state of the apps” in Fedora’s infrastructure. The fedora-tagger application is currently broken since the decision to retire PkgDB. The core Infrastructure team does not have bandwidth and time to focus on this application, since there are other areas to focus on at the upcoming Infrastructure Hackathon.

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