It’s a nice view from top of my tower. The goblins are working tirelessly on their tasks. The sun is shining on the city. And most of the things working as they should. Even the plans for the future are coming nicely together. It’s shame that I didn’t have much time to take care of it and my skills were needed elsewhere.

I turned my back to the view and returned back to the table, where Traveler already sat. “So, you want to know what the future can reveal? Let’s look at it then.” I took my mage staff and created a vision on the table.


Release 1.0 is on the way

I decided that Anitya is finally mature enough to be officially released with version 1.0.0. This is not only a cosmetic change, this will affect the whole world of You can look at the progress here. You will see a plenty of new features. Let’s talk about few of them. Some of them are already in the work version of the Anitya.

Archiving projects

The mages (admins of the Anitya) are now able to archive the project that is no longer maintained by the conjurers (upstream maintainers). Archived projects will no longer be checked for news (updates) and they aren’t editable.

Work with draft news

Anitya recognizes draft news from actual news (pre-release and release) and send this information to the-new-hotness. Our couriers are now carrying a more detailed letter which separates them (fedora message schema was updated).

Multiple news at once

Our couriers will carry a bigger bag, which allows them to carry more than only one news at once (Anitya will report multiple found versions, not only latest).

Projects library will be nicer

The projects library will be completely reconstructed and it will allow everyone to find what they need much faster (projects menu will be rewritten from scratch).

Remove the last bits of the old messaging system

After upgrading to new courier system (fedmsg to fedora messaging) there are still bits from the old one. And it is time to finally remove them.

Preview mode

Ever wanted to do some change in your project and wanted to try the changes before it’s actually saved in the world. Now you can! We will create a time capsule, which will allow you to test our changes without affecting the (test your project changes without saving it to database).


Release 0.13.*

The release 0.13.* is already released, but there is currently no way to test it. The-new-hotness is communicating with plenty of other worlds and it’s hard to test everything without a good testing place. As some of you may know the Purgatory (staging) is not available now. We are currently stuck, until the Purgatory is back up.

Release 1.0 is on the way

Same as in the case of Anitya, we decided to finally start working on the 1.0.0. The-new-hotness is now mature enough to work on it. Following is the list of features that would be available in this release. You can watch the progress here.

Dist-git realm integration

This is the ongoing work that should really help ever vigilant guards (package maintainers) with their work (creating PRs instead of attaching patches to bugzilla). Currently is blocked on the unavailable Purgatory, because it’s hard to test without it. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

Make it cleaner

As a mage you need to always learn about new ways and trends. One of them for me is the clean magic (clean architecture) and I want the-new-hotness to benefit from it. So I decided to enhance the-new-hotness island using the clean magic.

Multiple news at once

This will be a reaction on the change in Anitya. If the couriers are carrying bigger bags, the-new-hotness needs to know how to work with them (additional notification setting about stable releases only).

Send courier back to queue if we can’t serve it right now

We already encountered a few situations that caused the-new-hotness to fail process the courier message (the-new-hotness crashed when processing the message). We should prevent this by returning the courier back to entry queue and serving him later (unacknowledge the message and send it back to fedora-messaging queue). at Nest

Recently our Conclave of Mages were part of the Fedora Nest (online version of the annual Fedora Flock) and we had plenty of talks about the things we work on. The was no exception.

No other than me had a talk about this amazing world. I started by talking about some numbers, because mages love numbers. Then I talked what was done and what will be done in the future. It was a rather short talk and I got a very positive feedback.

However I had a small issue during my talk, when my farseeing mirror just froze (my laptop froze, because of the overheat). But I quickly resolved the issue and continued my talk. I also really missed my wizard hat for this talk, but I had some accident in my alchemy lab few days before the Nest and my hat burnt to ashes. Who could say that the wizard hat isn’t fireproof? I ordered a new one, but it wasn’t delivered on time.

For those interested about the talk the manuscript (slides) could be found on my GitHub account.

Post scriptum

This is all for now from the world of Do you like this world and want to join our conclave of mages? Seek me (mkonecny) in the magical yellow pages (IRC freenode #fedora-apps) and ask how can you help. Or visit the Bugcronomicon (GitHub issues on Anitya or the-new-hotness) directly and pick something to work on.