Category: Marketing (page 2 of 2)

All articles in this category are related to the Marketing team in the Fedora Project.

Fedora was at PyCon SK 2017

At the second weekend in March 2017, Fedora had a booth at PyCon SK, a community-organized conference for the Python programming language held in Bratislava, Slovakia. The event happened for the second time this year, and it happened with Fedora again.

PyCon SK 2017 took 3 days. First day most of the talks were in Slovak (or Czech) and Michal Cyprian presented problems that my arise when users use sudo pip and how we want to solve those problems in Fedora by making sudo pip safe again. During the lightnings talks section, I presented about Elsa, a tool that helps to create static web pages using Flask. Elsa powers up the Fedora Loves Python website.

Michal Cyprian presenting

Michal Cyprian presenting. Photo by Ondrej Dráb, CC BY-SA

The next day was mostly English. Another Fedora contributors Jona Azizaj and Petr Viktorin had their talks. Jona presented about building Python communities and empowering women. Petr’s talk was about the balance of Python (constraints and conventions versus the freedom to do whatever you want) and its impact on the language and the community. Petr also metacoached the Django Girls workshop on Sunday.

But Fedora’s presence was not just through people. Fedora had a booth filled with swag. We gave out all our remaining Fedora Loves Python stickers, plenty of Fedora 25 DVDs, pins, stickers, pens, buttons… We had couple of Proud Fedora User t-shirts available and plenty of Fedora users asked for them, so we decided to come up with a quiz about Fedora and a raffle to decide who gets them.

Fedora Swag

Fedora Swag

Fedora booth at PyCon SK 2017

Fedora booth at PyCon SK 2017. Photo by Ondrej Dráb, CC BY-SA

Lot of the visitors were already familiar with Fedora or even Fedora users this year, which was quite different in compassion with the previous year, where a lot of people were actually asking what Fedora is. <joke>Maybe because we already explained it a year ago, now every visitor already uses Fedora?</joke>

See you next year Bratislava!

Featured Image Photo by Ondrej Dráb, CC BY-SA

Help translate the Fedora User Handbook

Two years ago, we decided to write a handbook that would help new users start with Fedora. The original handbook was written in Czech by Lukáš Kotek, but in the end it was a work of a community of people (proofreaders, typesetters, designers,…). The handbook was released in Czech only as a pilot project. If it’s successful let’s translate it to English and then to other languages and make it a global project. That was our plan.

The reason why we wrote the handbook is that we have very few giveaways at our booths that convey any information about Fedora. Yes, we have stickers, badges, case badges,… But those only convey the brand, thus are great for those who already know Fedora and want to show affiliation on the project, e.g. by placing a Fedora sticker on their laptop. We don’t really have something we can give to someone who is not familiar Fedora at all. DVDs served partly well for that case, but they’re going away as well.

That’s why we came up with a handbook with limited scope: it should get a person who is not familiar with Fedora from our booth to an installed system. It should tell why to choose Fedora, where to get it, how to install it, and how to start using it.

We had really positive feedback about the handbook in the Czech community, but sadly we haven’t found much time to internationalize the project. Until now. I picked it up again and start pushing it forward. The project has been moved to Pagure and I’m looking for people who can help me with that.

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Fedora 25 Release Party: Novi Sad, Serbia

Release party this way! Fedora 25 Release Party: Novi Sad, Serbia

Release party this way!

Another awesome Fedora release, and another awesome Release Party in Novi Sad!

The party took place, like last time, on the Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad in the Department of Mathematics and Informatics. To be even more precise, it’s about three minutes away from our Fedora-powered computer lab! About forty people (among who was a Fedora ambassador from Uruguay) attended! We had four talks about different topics regarding Fedora, security, and hackerspaces.

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You’re invited: FOSCo Brainstorm Meeting, 2016-07-18, 13:00 UTC

For some time now, Fedora has discussed the idea of the Fedora Outreach Steering Committee (FOSCo), a body to coordinate all our outreach efforts. Now it’s time to make it happen!

FOSCo brainstorming: you’re invited!

On behalf of FAmSCo and the Fedora Council, we would like to invite the Fedora community to an all-hands.

Roll call

So far, the following participants have confirmed attendance.

The fact that we already have a good team of volunteers should not stop you from attending. In fact, we would like to hear more voices from all stakeholders. The more, the better! To get an idea what FAmSCo has been working on so far, please have a look at the wiki page and current status.

None of this is set in stone yet, and we feel we need your input before we go any further. We are looking forward to your comments and to meet you next Monday!

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Fedora’s Love For Python Continues

In this digital age, there is still some use for having messaging that is easy to distribute and consume. While it may seem quaint and old-fashioned, hard-copy content is a useful way to deliver information at events like conferences and meetups.

With that in mind, the Fedora Marketing team, in conjunction with members of the Fedora Python SIG, has put together a new Fedora Loves Python brochure, just in time for PyCon 2016.

2016 Python Brochure

What’s new in Python brochure

This is not the first time the Marketing team has put together something like this; the team designed and released a more retro-looking edition for Pycon 2013. The new edition of the brochure is consistent with the Fedora Project’s branding and design, and has been updated with some cool new facts, including:

  • DNF, the software installation and dependency tool within Fedora, is built with Python and supports Python 2 and 3.
  • Inkscape, GIMP, and Blender include Python support, so you can script all sorts of graphics plugins in Python.
  • Fedmsg, Bodhi, Koji, and the Fedora Account System are some of many Python-built apps within Fedora’s infrastructure.

Fedora’s relationship with Python is very close, and has been since 2003. The ease in which developers can work with Python tools like PyPy, PyDev, Winpdb, and GitPython (to name a few) makes Fedora a very useful platform for coders–and we are very happy to be able to show some of that off.

Be sure to look for Fedora at PyCon in Portland, Oregon next month, or visit the Python resources in this article, to learn more about using Fedora as your Python platform of choice!

FOSSASIA 2016: Singapore

FOSSASIA is an annual event that focuses on showcasing free and open-source technology in Asia. The intended audience are developers, start-ups, contributors, students, and enthusiasts. It has talks and workshops that cover a wide range of topics. These include anywhere from hardware hacks to design, graphics to software.


Fedora is coming to FOSSASIA 2016 in Singapore

The official logo of FOSSASIA.

FOSSASIA started in 2009 in Vietnam and has been a huge success since then. Companies can request to setup booths at Level 1 to exhibit their FOSS technologies. There are also a various kinds of tickets available for purchase, with a starting price of $7 SGD to the highest price of $1800 SGD. These tickets grant different tier of access and swags but all of them give access to all sessions of day, except the social event, which requires at least a Business Ticket.

FOSSASIA 2016 theme

For FOSSASIA 2016, the theme for the event was Internet of Things. It was held in the Singapore Science Center from March 18th to 20th, 9am to 6pm. Internet of Things has been a hot topic in the recent years and many companies, such as Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft, came up with software to support IoT devices, hoping that they can grab some of this lucrative market share.

Fedora at FOSSASIA

Fortunately, for this year, the Fedora Ambassadors from Singapore co-shared Red Hat’s booth and helped distribute Fedora 23 DVDs. One of the Ambassadors, Huiren, also spoke for the event, with the talk titled, “Opening Up Yourself”. It was a short presentation focused on the benefits of contributing to FOSS and Fedora.

For everyone who came to say hello to the Ambassadors, thanks for stopping by! We can’t wait to see you all next year.

SCaLE 14x (2016) Event Report – Pasadena, California

SCaLE 14x (2016) Event Report

At a Glance: What is SCaLE?

Our Ambassadors in the Field

This report is for the following Ambassadors:

Welcome to SCaLE!

Welcome to SCaLE!

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Marketing – Year in Review

Fedora experienced a significant amount of growth and development over the last year. With the growth and recent changes, there were new challenges that Fedora and the Marketing team had to face. The Magazine went really well with significant growth concerning the overall traffic (many thanks to Paul, Ryan, Joe, Chris, Justin) and with more infrastructure stability (thanks to Chris again and Patrick). On the other hand, the institutional part of Marketing experienced difficulties in keeping current with the changes that 2015 brought.

There were many strengths that were preserved (organizing tasks, using a ticketing workflow, discussion in the IRC channel, and communications in general), but the Year in Review analysis is targeted towards identifying and setting goals for improvement in this current year.

Fedora Marketing wiki banner Continue reading

Fedora Magazine breaks records yet again

Daily view records broken on Magazine

Official Fedora Magazine logo

Fedora 23 released this past Monday, and several supporting articles were published on the Fedora Magazine to help users learn what was new, how to upgrade from Fedora 22, and of course, read the release announcement. This release set a new all-time record of the most views in a single day for the Magazine. The end-of-day count for November 3rd was 34,019 views across the site. This record was closely followed the next day, with a high of 31,880 by the end of November 4th. Ultimately, the Magazine has continued on an upward trend for the past few release cycles, a pattern that the Marketing Team wishes to continue as we enter the next release cycle.


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