As you probably know, there is annual convention called Flock. This year’s is happening in Cape Cod, Hyannis, MA and will begin the morning of Tuesday, August 29. Sessions will continue each day until midday on Friday, September 1.
I have asked all of the session leaders from Flock some questions.
And now you are about to read one of the responses.
Alternative Arches debugging and fixing workshop by Dan Horák
What is the goal of your session at Flock?
Our goal is to first show some common issues maintainers can meet when building packages for Alternative Architectures in general. Then we plan to work on selected issues the attendees will bring.
What does it affect in the project?
Our vision is full parity between the Primary and Alternative Architectures in features, packages, and deliverables. In reality there will always be some differences, but we try to make the delta as small as possible.
What does your talk focus on?
It’s a workshop, we will focus on solving some issues (fails to compile, gives wrong results, …) in Fedora packages.
Without giving too much away, what can attendees expect to learn or do in your session?
They should learn some common practices, tricks, and hints how to get packages running correctly on all architectures.
Who should attend?
Intended audience is package maintainers and developers.
What do you do in Fedora/how long have you been involved in the project?
I’m involved in Fedora for maybe 10+ years and my main focus are Alternative Architectures. I’m one of guys behind the releases for IBM Power systems and also IBM z Systems.
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