Tag: Fedora Ambassadors of Europe / Middle East / Africa (EMEA)

EMEA Ambassadors: 2017 Year in Review

As 2018 is in full session now, people, companies and organizations are taking stock not only of what’s worked during the past year, but of budding trends and approaches to handling daily business. We also can let this chance pass by knowing that it could help us in our undertakings this year.

All through 2017, the Fedora community in the EMEA region was active promoting Fedora in local events especially at the release party. It was a joy to read out the event reports.

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Fedora and Mozilla Activity Days in Prishtina, Kosovo

As part of Open Labs Hackerspace, I was invited to Prishtina, Kosovo by fellow hacktivist Ardian Haxha. I was asked to facilitate various sessions about Fedora and Mozilla. Furthermore, I was happy to design the artwork for the event too. This greatly aligned with my work at Mozilla Community Design and the Fedora Design Team. Ardian is a hard-working community member of FLOSSK. He was heavily involved in the organization of the past SFK conferences in the same city of Prishtina. He recently rediscovered the pleasure of working with the Fedora and Mozilla communities again, so he decided to organize the Fedora and Mozilla Activity Days in Prishtina on the 26th to 27th of March.

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FOSDEM 2016 Distro Devroom: Call for Participation

FOSDEM 2016 – Distributions Devroom Call for Participation

FOSDEM.org Logo

The FOSDEM Distro Devroom will take place 30 & 31 January, 2016 at FOSDEM, in room K.4.201 at Université Libre de Bruxelles, in Brussels, Belgium.

As Linux distributions converge on similar tools, the problem space overlapping different distributions is growing. This standardization across the distributions presents an opportunity to develop generic solutions to the problems of aggregating, building, and maintaining the pieces that go into a distribution.

We welcome submissions targeted at developers interested in issues unique to
distributions, especially in the following topics:

  • Cross-distribution collaboration issues, eg: content distribution and documentation
  • Vendor relationships (eg. cloud providers, non-commodity hardware vendors etc )
  • Future of distributions, emerging trends, evolving user demands of a platform
  • User experience management ( onboarding new users, facilitating technical growth, user to contribution transitions etc )
  • Building trust and code relationships with the upstream components of a distribution
  • Solving problems like package  and content management (rpm/dpkg/ostree/coreos)
  • Contributor resource management, centralised trust management, key trust etc
  • Integration technologies like installers, deployment facilitation ( eg. cloud contextualisation )

Submissions may be in the form of 30-55 minute talks, panel sessions, round-table discussions, Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions or lightning talks.


  • Submission Deadline: 10th Dec 2015
  • Acceptance Notification: 15th Dec 2015
  • Final Schedule Posted: 17th Dec 2015

How to submit

Visit https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM16

  1. If you do not have an account, create one here
  2. Click ‘Create Event’
  3. Enter your presentation details
  4. Be sure to select the Distributions Devroom track!
  5. Submit

What to include

  • The title of your submission
  • 1-paragraph Abstract
  • Longer description, including the benefit of your talk to your target audience
  • Approximate length / type of submission (talk, BoF, …)
  • Links to related websites/blogs/talk material (if any)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the devroom organizers:
distributions-devroom at lists.fosdem.org

This message brought to you by

Karanbir Singh (twitter: @kbsingh) and Brian Stinson (twitter: @bstinsonmhk) for and on behalf of The Distributions Devroom Program Committee

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