Tag: Datagrepper

CPE achievements during Q1 2020

2020 has seen a lot of changes for everyone—understatement of the year right? One of these changes has been how the Community Platform Engineering (CPE) Team has decided to adjust how they work. We are on an agile workflow journey. We began this year with quarterly planning, for the first time ever! We kicked off the start of the year working on some prioritised initiatives that we discussed as a review team during our first quarterly planning session. The review team included Brian ‘Bex’ Exelbierd, Paul Frields, Jim Perrin, Leigh Griffin, Pierre-Yves Chibon, Brian Stinson and Clément Verna.

The initiatives chosen to be worked on during Quarter One were:

  • FAS Replacement Login Phase 1 
  • Fedora Data Centre Move
  • CentOS Stream Phase 1 
  • CI/CD 
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Where are the team’s newcomers?

I was wondering why, in the QA team, there are various newcomers willing to contribute, but so little interaction in the mailing list.

If a person would like to join the QA team, like many other Fedora teams, one of the first things they are supposed to do (at least as a good practice, if not as prescribed by the team SOP) is to send an introductory email to the team’s mailing list. 

And it is simple to spot that—after the introduction email and eventually being sponsored into the FAS group—in most cases the newcomers don’t send any other mail in the following times. Why?

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Commitment to community: Fedora CommOps FAD 2018

The Fedora Community Operations (CommOps) team held a team sprint, or Fedora Activity Day, from January 29-31, 2018. CommOps provides tools, resources, and utilities for different sub-projects of Fedora to improve effective communication. The FAD was an opportunity for us to further our mission by focusing on two primary goals and two secondary goals for 2018.

The CommOps FAD aimed to carry out these primary goals:

  • Pursue plan of deploying a GrimoireLabs dashboard, visualizing fedmsg data
  • Launch Fedora Appreciation Week in 2018

This article explains what we accomplished in our FAD, how we have progressed since then, and what is next for the team.

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Teaching metrics and contributor docs at Flock 2017

The Fedora Community Operations (CommOps) team held an interactive workshop during the annual Fedora contributor conference, Flock. Flock took place from August 29th to September 1st in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Justin W. Flory and Sachin Kamath represented the team in the workshop. CommOps spends a lot of time working with metrics and data tools available in Fedora, like fedmsg and datagrepper. Our workshop introduced some of the tools to work with metrics in Fedora and how to use them. With our leftover time, we discussed the role of contributor-focused documentation in the wiki and moving it to a more static place in Fedora documentation.

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