Thanks to our friends at the Spigot MC project, the Fedora Community is invited to build, survive, and thrive in an open-source Minecraft server until Monday, 10 August 2020! Join your friends and invite your family to join by connecting to in the Minecraft: Java Edition client.

Design credit: Code_Seven
How to connect
A paid Minecraft: Java Edition account is required to log in. Open the Minecraft game client and add a new third-party multiplayer server:
The server can hold up to 100 players at once.
What to do
Play Minecraft together with other Fedorans from around the world! Whether you want to build your own house or battle skeletons, zombies, and creepers in the night, you can craft your own adventure.
The Minecraft/Spigot server is a great way to catch some down time between sessions, and socialize with other gamers in the Fedora Community. You can also invite your family, friends, or young Fedorans to join in too.
The Minecraft/Spigot server will remain online until Monday, 10 August. After then, a download of the server world (not including The Nether and The End) will be made available so you can load the Fedora Nest Minecraft world in single player or other multiplayer servers.
Code of Conduct
The Fedora Minecraft/Spigot server follows the same Code of Conduct as Fedora Nest and the wider Fedora Community. Be kind, be respectful, and have fun!
Remember to keep the chat and your creations family-friendly.
Get help
Need an admin? If you need to get help in the Minecraft/Spigot server, reach out to Justin W. Flory on Telegram (@jwflory), Freenode IRC (jwf
), or email (FAS: jflory7). Additionally, you can also email the Flock Staff Team for support (flock-staff [at] fedoraproject [dot] org
Special thanks to Michael Dardis and the SpigotMC Team for sponsoring the Minecraft game server for Fedora Nest 2020.
Cover photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash.
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