Tag: North Carolina, USA

Fedora tackles Southeast Linux Fest 2018

Ambassadors Report for Southeast Linux Fest -Ben and Cathy Williams, Andrew and Julie Ward, Rosnel Echervarria, and Nick Bebout

Southeast Linux Fest June 8 – 10, 2018, Charlotte North Carolina

Southeast Linux fest

Julie and Ben just after setup

The annual event reached its historical 10 year mark this year. Southeast Linux Fest has been one of the most successful and long running events when it comes to Linux and only is topped by Scale and Linux Fest Northwest. Southeast Linux Fest (SELF) an event that is held at the Sheraton Airport Hotel Charlotte North Carolina. This event was centralized to accommodate attendance (easy access from Airport) from many of the surrounding states. We saw many individuals from the Tennessee, Georgia (Atlanta/Macon area), South Carolina, and Florida, as well as the local attendees from the Charlotte area and the state of North Carolina.

Event Goals from the desk of Southeast Linux Fest Coordinator

Discussing the primary goal of this event with the Coordinator (of Southeast Linux Fest), the target was to draw from the surrounding southern states. The secondary goal was opening the event to everyone  interested in learning about free and open source software. Later in this report we will discuss some of the feedback given to the Coordinator about Southeast Linux Fest.

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Southeast Linux Fest (SELF) 2017 Ambassadors report


Ambassadors Event Report

Southeast Linux Festival – Charlotte North Carolina
June 9 – 11, 2017
event website: http://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/

Attending Ambassadors

Ben and Kathy Williams (kk4ewt/cewillia) (Fedora event coordinators)
Andrew and Julie Ward (award3535/jward78) (Event report author)
Nick Bebout (nb)
Dan Mossor (danofsatx)
Rosnel Echevarria (reher)


Fedora has been involved in this particular event since its first festival in 2009 and has continued to be a vital part of the event through 2017. The event is the only large scale Linux and open source festival for the South Eastern United States. Even though there is a large number of Linux Users Groups throughout the south this is the only event that draws various communities together in celebration of Linux and Open Source Software. There was a similar event in Orlando Florida in 2015 called FOSSETCON, but the event coordinator announced that the event would occur every two years vice annually. Hopefully the event did not come apart for the fall this year as it normally is scheduled. Most of the Ambassadors arrived on Thursday 8 June the night prior to the event commencement.

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