Tag: open source communities (page 2 of 2)

Flock Stories 2016, Episode 1: Redon Skikuli

Flock Stories by Chris WardIf you were wondering where Flock 2018 might be, today’s guest Redon Skikuli might just have your answer! Redon is not just a Fedora community contributor, he’s a Fedora community creator. I ask Redon what he’s up to these days and why he thinks we should also consider joining future Flocks.

LISTEN: https://soundcloud.com/chris-ward-908424795/flock-stories-redon-skikuli

Show Notes

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Outreachy with Fedora, Fall 2016

What is Outreachy?

GNOME Outreachy is a global program that offers historically underrepresented people of gender and race stipends to write code for several participating FOSS projects . Inspired by Google Summer Of Code, Outreachy offers participants hands-on internships for contributing to open source projects.

In 2016, the Outreachy internship dates are from December 6, 2016 to March 6, 2017. Participants work remotely from home while getting guidance from an assigned mentor and collaborating within their project’s community.

Why open source and Fedora?

Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is software that gives the user the freedom to use, share, study, and improve it. FOSS contributors believe that this is the best way to develop software because it benefits society, creates a fun collaborative community around a project, and allows anyone to make creative changes that reach many people.

Fedora is participating in Outreachy 2016, with a goal to welcome underrepresented minorities to contribute to the project.  Fedora mentors Outreachy interns and helps them get a hands-on experience with developing for an open source project.

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What is the Fedora Code of Conduct?

We all live in a society. Every society has customs, values, and mores. This is how homo sapiens are different from other species. Since our childhood, in school, then college, and then at work, we follow a shared set of social values. This shared set of values creates a peaceful world. In the open source world, we strive for values that lead to us all being welcoming, generous, and thoughtful. We may differ in opinions or sometimes disagree with each other, but we try to keep the conversation focused on the ideas under discussion, not the person in the discussion.

Fedora is an excellent example of an open source society where contributors respect each other and have healthy discussions, whether they agree or disagree on all topics. This is a sign of a healthy community. Fedora is a big project with contributors and users from different parts of the world . This creates a diverse community of different skills, languages, ages, colors, cultural values, and more. Although it is rare in Fedora, sometimes miscommunication happens and this can result in situations where the discussion moves from the idea to the person.

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Fedora 24 Release Party in Singapore

As you might know, Fedora released its 24th version at the end of June! Recently, the Fedorans in Singapore had a party to celebrate the release.  The release party was not only to celebrate its release, but also to commemorate Fedora’s open source journey so far. We invited people from different diverse background to join us for a night of fun and open conversations (Singapore is a cosmopolitan country!)

Fedora 24 Release Party in Singapore: Fedora 24 DVDs

Some of the Fedora 24 DVDs and OpenSource.com stickers for the party

We had a RSVP of over 50 folks and expected more to join in. We set up the Fedora banners and were also ready to give out DVDs and stickers. However, on the day itself, there was a dropout rate of 60% and only around fifteen folks turned up. Most of the folks that turned up were students interested in learning more about Fedora. Nevertheless, it was a cozy and warm party that everyone felt pretty comfortable with.

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Fedora Design Team lead Máirín Duffy wins O’Reilly Open Source Award

OSCON is O’Reilly’s annual Open Source Conference celebrating open source software and the people who make it happen. Red Hat developer and Fedora contributor Adam Miller published his event report for OSCON on the Community Blog yesterday.

OSCON 2016 Expo Hall Booth Report

Máirín Duffy wins at OSCON

Every year at OSCON, there is the annual Open Source Award given out by O’Reilly to “recognize individual contributors who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, creativity, and collaboration in the development of open source software.” This year at OSCON 2016, Fedora Design Team lead Máirín Duffy received special honors on the main stage.

Watch the award reception below to see Máirín receive the award.

OSCON 2016 Expo Hall Booth Report

On Tuesday I attended OSCON‘s Open Container Day with members of the OpenShift team and the CentOS team. This turned out to be an interesting outing and I got pulled into an interview on TheNewStack with CentOS member Jim Perrin to discuss the Fedora and CentOS respective docker layered image build systems and tooling. This was a great opportunity to explain what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and what we hope to provide to the community. This day was roughly half and half tech overview of different container tech and sales pitches from various companies. Which is somewhat understandable, since it’s a sponsored day event. I helped man the OpenShift table before getting pulled into TheNewStack interview.

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