Tag: porting Python packages

Fedora needs you to port a Python package!

Fedora is always moving forward and that means switching to Python 3. There are plenty of upstream projects that already support Python 3. Unfortunately, they are often not packaged in Fedora. We try to keep track of such cases and more in the Fedora Python 3 Porting Database. There, you can see these packages marked with a blue color and listed on the page for Mispackaged packages. Get up to three Fedora badges for updating spec files to support Python 3! Join the porting party, help us move to the future and get your reward. We can port it, but not without your help!

Join the Python 3 Porting Party! Port a package to Python 3

Join the Python 3 Porting Party!

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Python 3 Porting FAD: “We’ve done a lot of things…”

This article originally appeared on contributor Matej Stuchlik’s personal blog.

The Awesome

The Python 3 Porting Fedora Activity Day wrapped up this Sunday. In the span of ~48 hours and three continents, we’ve done a lot of things:

  • 32 people had made 126 commits to the portingdb, with 3,803 additions and 3,226 deletions, making the portingdb more useful for everyone.
  • We’ve filled numerous bugs for Fedora packages that lack Python 3 support, providing an updated .spec file for 9 of them.
  • Best of all, 7 upstreams received Python 3 compatibility patches!

This all with the help of people from around the world, from all sorts of distros, cooperating on-line and off.

I’d like to thank frafra, michel-slm, fujimotos, michaeleekk, rodrigc, barracks510, fitoria, rupe120, decause, sayanchowdhury, Richard Sarkis, Sebastian Dyroff, Fale, dperson, fabaff, Riamse, carlwgeorge, MSK61, jflory7, mayorgatellez, staranjeet, QuLogic, hroncok, booxter, tyll, pigjuliux, williamjmorenor for making this awesome, and abadger, threebean and encukou for handling all the awesomeness. 🙂

What’s next?

One thing is for sure, this isn’t the last Python 3 Porting day! It’s been a lot of fun and we’ve learned a lot, so we would like to have another P3P Day in a month or two. Be sure to tweet at me, or join the #fedora-python channel on Freenode, if you have any suggestion on how to make it even better than it was. 🙂

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Help port Python packages to Python 3

This upcoming weekend, a group of Fedora developers are convening for the Python 3 Fedora Activity Day (FAD) to make more progress on porting Python 2 packages to Python 3. If you want to lend a hand, jump into the #fedora-python IRC channel on Freenode between [localize_time tz=”EST”]8am Nov. 14, 2015[/localize_time] and [localize_time tz=”EST”]8pm Nov. 15, 2015[/localize_time] and introduce yourself.

The Python 3 FAD is part of a larger initiative started two years ago to make Python 3 the default implementation in Fedora. Great progress has already been made, but there is still much work to do – only 32% of Python packages in Fedora are ported to Python 3. As a result, this weekend’s Python 3 Fedora Activity Day aims to accomplish improving those numbers by porting over more Python 2 software to Python 3.

 Parselmouth badge for Python 3 FAD participants, while supplies last!

Parselmouth badge, while supplies last!

Not only is this is a great opportunity to make an impact on the software that the community uses every day, but it’s also a chance to gain one of the more rare and exclusive Fedora badges, Parselmouth! To help show how you can help, Fedora Python maintainer Matej Stuchlik answered some of the Community Operations team’s questions.

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