Tag: trademark

Statement on We Make Fedora

As part of our Code of Conduct, the Fedora Project has pledged to collaborate in a respectful and constructive manner, to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, to avoid personal attacks on others, and to avoid inflammatory language and speech that perpetuates discrimination. 

Recently, the website We Make Fedora (WMF) has come to our attention. WMF scrapes and aggregates (via RSS/Atom) the blog feeds from Fedora and Fedora contributor sites. These scraped posts are intermingled on WMF with other posts.

The Fedora Project does not endorse We Make Fedora. The site maintainer is not a member of the Fedora Project community and is unaffiliated with Fedora. Further, WMF has not committed to follow our Code of Conduct and has not made the same pledges contained therein. 

If you have a blog on Fedora Planet which is appearing on WMF, you may want to include the following statement as a blog header:

Suggested Blog Header

We Make Fedora is not affiliated with the Fedora Community or the contributors to the Fedora Linux operating system. If you read this post on We Make Fedora, it might be there without permission. We encourage you to read this content at its source.

Council policy proposal: withdrawing support from events

The Fedora Council is considering a change in policy that better defines how the Council will handle withdrawing from sponsored events. The policy as proposed by Ben Cotton, with edits from the Mindshare Committee is:

The Fedora Council may choose to withdraw Fedora’s support from events or other activities that involve fiscal sponsorship or use of Fedora trademarks when it determines that participation is not in the interests of the Fedora Project. Decisions to withdraw support will be published in venues normally used for Council decisions. Deliberation and reasoning for the decision should be public to the extent possible. The Council will engage with the committee/group/team that is involved with the event in question to ensure their input is considered.

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