The Fedora Community in Panama recently celebrated the release of Fedora Linux 36. Our last in-person event was back in December 2019. Thank you to all the organizers, participants, and attendees who made the Fedora Explorer Day 36 event possible.
We had six sessions in total, four in person and two online sessions with friends from Mexico and Venezuela, with the addition of an hour of Fedora networking on YouTube and Twitch.

The event had nearly 50 friends.
The main goals of Fedora Explorer Day (FED) are to spread knowledge, recruit Fedora users & contributors, double our contributor base, and establish Fedora as the OS that university students can use in Panama.
I was honored when @josereyesjdi invited me to be part of the event to talk about my (still) recent experience with Fedora and the Open-source communty in general.
I was the only non-techie member of the pannel and my approach was, precisely, to those with no tech backgound. The message was clear: We can be Fedora contributors as well. Either as translators, ambassadors, content creators and so on. The idea is to get the word out and, at least, talk about our own experience.
Those were my two cents on that event. I loved the environment and learned A LOT… even if it was quite a bit technical.
I insist, we have a very open and healthy community.