Tag: fedora linux 36

¡Fedora Explorer Day – Panamá!

The Fedora Community in Panama recently celebrated the release of Fedora Linux 36. Our last in-person event was back in December 2019. Thank you to all the organizers, participants, and attendees who made the Fedora Explorer Day 36 event possible.

We had six sessions in total, four in person and two online sessions with friends from Mexico and Venezuela, with the addition of an hour of Fedora networking on YouTube and Twitch.

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You’re invited to the Fedora Linux 36 Release Party!

As we work our way through the Fedora Linux 36 Schedule, I am pleased to announce we will celebrate the final release of Fedora Linux 36 with a virtual Release Party. Please register on Hopin and join us on May 13th & 14th for a short program of informational sessions and social activities. Make sure to save the dates, share the registration, and show up to party with Fedora Friends!

The program is still in the works, but we hope to include informational sessions that will feature updates about Fedora IoT, Podman 4.0, and a bunch more current community activities. Last, but certainly not least, we will be hanging out in the Fedora Museum WorkAdventure for our Hallway track. Thanks to our amazing community for all your contributions to the latest release of Fedora Linux. Let’s celebrate!

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