Fedora Women Day in Lima, Peru

On September 30, 2017, we celebrated the Fedora Women Day in Lima, Peru at PUCP from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Acknowledged with Thanks

I’ve just wrapped up and I wanted to say thanks for the support throughout the process in having a nice place. Thanks to the staff of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru: Giohanny, Felipe Solari, Corrado and Walter. Congrats to the initiative of the Fedora Diversity team to foster more women involve in Linux. In addition, thanks to the help of Chhavi in the design and Bee for the help in planning the event. These were our FWD speakers:

We had three previous session with the speakers and members of our local Linux team. In the following picture you can see our work behind the scenes. I highlight the support and help of Solanch Ccasa in this event:

The core day

I started my talk by giving a brief history of Fedora, since 1985 when GNU was conformed, until 2017 with Fedora 26 version. I also have shown help received from other Fedora Women as Marina, Robyn, Bee, Chhavi and Amita when I had technical and administrative issues. The “Google Summer of Code” program, how to join to the Fedora community, its philosophy and topics related were explained. It took me 20 minutes.

Other women talks and workshops followed as planned DNF, GIT, Fedora loves Python, Linux commandsD3

It was great to see many women interested in the Linux world. More than seven years of organising events in Lima related to Linux, and this was first time I see several women using Fedora with GNOME at the same time.  

We shared a special FWD cake, and posted on a Fedora board pros and cons of why you use Fedora or not. 

Special thanks to guys that helped us during this event: Martin Vuelta, Rodrigo Lindo and Rommel Zavaleta.