Tag: Fedora Women’s Day (page 1 of 2)

Fedora Women’s Day 2020 Reflection

Fedora Women’s Day 2020 was a celebration of personal growth, community, and love for open source software. Over three days, women and non-binary folks from the Fedora community shared stories about their lives and work in tech. From the challenges and barriers that they encountered to the achievements and success that they earned, we had the privilege of learning about gendered experiences that informed the journey of each of our speakers.

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Fedora status updates: September 2020

Welcome to the newly-revitalized monthly set of updates on key areas within Fedora. This update includes Fedora Council representatives, Fedora Editions, and Fedora Objectives. The content here is based on the regular updates submitted to the Fedora Council, published to the project dashboard.

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Fedora Women’s Day 2020: Call for Participation

Yes, it is that time of the year, Fedora Women’s Day (FWD) is here! With the backdrop of COVID-19, FWD is going all virtual this year on October 16th, 17th, and 18th.

As a global event, FWD celebrates women and non-binary contributors across the Fedora Project. This event is an opportunity for folks from diverse backgrounds to connect, learn and grow by drawing inspiration from each other.

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FWD’19 Mexico City

Fedora Women’s Day (FWD) is a day to celebrate and bring visibility to female contributors in open source projects, including Fedora. Fedora’s Diversity and Inclusion team lead the initiative. The number of women in tech has been increasing year over year, further highlighting the importance of a more inclusive culture in tech.

On October 10, We had our second Fedora Women’s Day in Mexico City, this time hosted by UNAM, one of the greatest Universities of Mexico and we loved to do it again.

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Fedora Women’s Day Report (Bhubaneswar)

For the very first time, Fedora Women’s Day was celebrated in Bhubaneswar, India. The event happened on 26th November 2019 at the College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar. My aim as an organiser was to have a session on “Getting started with OpenSource” which includes understanding the opportunities Fedora Project provides as an Open-source community as well as getting to know what open source is.
Since I had a diverse audience of students from different years, I had to plan the event in favour of both. So, the session was divided into 2 parts, with the first part being What is Open Source and how to get started with it and the second part which introduced Fedora Project as an open-source community. A huge crowd of students showed up, which consists of both genders. I was accompanied by @amitosh (Amitosh Swain Mohapatra), another community member of Fedora. The session was for 2 hours. 

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Call for Fedora Women’s Day 2019 proposals

Fedora Women’s Day (FWD) is a day to celebrate and bring visibility to female contributors in open source projects, including Fedora. This event is headed by Fedora’s Diversity and Inclusion Team.

During the month of September, in collaboration with other open source communities, women in tech groups and hacker spaces, we plan to organize community meetups and events around the world to highlight and celebrate the women in open source communities like Fedora and their invaluable contributions to their projects and community.

These events also provide a good opportunity for women worldwide to learn about free and open source software and jump start their journey as a FOSS user and/or a contributor.  They also provide a platform for women to connect, learn and be inspired by other women in open source communities and beyond.

We are looking forward to applications for organizing FWD-2019, go ahead and submit applications and help us in organizing this event in various locations in the world. 

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Fedora Women’s Day 2018 – Trieste

On September 29, the hackerspace Mittelab of Trieste had the honor to host the first edition of the Fedora Women’s Day event. Organized by the Fedora Diversity and Inclusion team, the event aims to break down gender walls to allow all women passionate about IT and technology in general to approach the Fedora operating system. During the day there were a series of conferences whose purpose was to show this distribution and define the main features of Linux.

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Fedora Women’s Day 2018 – Lima, Peru

On Setember 22, 2018 we celebrated the Fedora Women’s Day in Lima, Perú at PUCP (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru). The Fedora Women’s Day event seeks to integrate women in the world of Free Software. This year, I had the opportunity to be one of the organizers.

Fedora Women's Day 2018 event in Lima, Peru - promotional poster
Promotional poster design
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Fedora Women’s Day 2018 – Mexico City

Fedora Women’s Day (FWD) is a day to celebrate and bring visibility to female contributors in open source projects including Fedora. The initiative is led by Fedora’s Diversity and Inclusion team. The number of women in tech have been increasing year over year,  further highlighting the importance of a more inclusive culture in tech.

On September 21, We had our first Fedora Women’s Day in the UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City) and we loved to do it.

Taken during the first Fedora Women's Day at UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City)
Taken during the first Fedora Women’s Day at UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City)
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Call for Fedora Women’s Day 2018 proposals

Fedora Women’s Day (FWD) is a day to celebrate and bring visibility to female contributors in open source projects including Fedora. The initiative is led by Fedora’s Diversity and Inclusion team. The call for proposals for event organizers is now open until Thursday, 16 August 2018!

During September, in collaboration with other members of different open source communities including Fedora, women in tech groups or hacker spaces, we plan to organize talks, workshops and meetups around the world. These events highlight and celebrate the women in open source communities like Fedora and their invaluable contributions to their projects and community. They also give a good opportunity for women to learn about free and open source software and jump-start their journey in open source as a user or a contributor. They also give a platform for women to connect, learn and be inspired by other women in open source communities and beyond.

This year yet again, we are looking forward to organizing FWD across different locations around the world. We are looking to collaborate with members of different open source communities including Fedora, women in tech groups or hacker spaces to organize Fedora Women’s Day!

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