Author: bt0dotninja

Council election: Interview with Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez (bt0dotninja)

This is a part of the Council Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Thursday, 28 May and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Thursday, 11 June.

Interview with Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez

  • Fedora account: bt0dotninja
  • IRC nick: bt0 (found in fedora-commops #fedora-mktg #fedora-ambassadors #fedora-latam #fedora-join #fedora-mindshare #fedora-neuro)
  • Fedora user wiki page
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FWD’19 Mexico City

Fedora Women’s Day (FWD) is a day to celebrate and bring visibility to female contributors in open source projects, including Fedora. Fedora’s Diversity and Inclusion team lead the initiative. The number of women in tech has been increasing year over year, further highlighting the importance of a more inclusive culture in tech.

On October 10, We had our second Fedora Women’s Day in Mexico City, this time hosted by UNAM, one of the greatest Universities of Mexico and we loved to do it again.

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Event Report: CCOSS’19

CCOSS stands for “Cumbre de Contribuidores de Open Source Software” (Contributors Summit in Open Source Software). It is the first event in Mexico dedicated to improving accessibility for latin tech practitioners to contribute to world-leading open source technologies, focusing on delivering content in Spanish & providing hands-on mentoring opportunities.

The Fedora’s Contributors Workshop was hosted by Alex Callejas, Efren Robledo, and Ivan Chavero.

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Council election: Interview with Alberto Rodríguez Sánchez (bt0dotninja)

This is a part of the Council Elections Interviews series. Voting is open to all Fedora contributors. The voting period starts on Thursday, 21 November and closes promptly at 23:59:59 UTC on Thursday, 5 December 2019.

Interview with Alberto Rodríguez Sánchez

  • Fedora account: bt0dotninja
  • IRC nick: bt0 (found in #ffedora-commops, #fedora-Latam, #fedora-join, #fedora-neuro, #fedora-mindshare, and more)
  • Fedora user wiki page
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Fedora 30 Release Party Mexico City

On May 23, 2019, the Fedora Community in Mexico City ran an awesome Fedora 30 Release Party. This activity took place in the local Red Hat office. We really appreciate the space for our activities and particularly thanks to Alex Callejas (darkaxl017) for doing all the necessary paperwork.

We had three main activities: An amazing talk from Rolando Cedillo (@rolman) about KVM in Fedora, a Q&A session and our networking time with pizza and Fedora cup cakes.

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Fedora Mexico: Three months of activities

The Fedora contributors and enthusiast in Mexico city has monthly meetings since February. Here a little resume of our activities as a local community:

First meeting

The “Fedora Containers Lab” workshop by Alex Callejas (darkaxl017) was the first event of our monthly meetings, the topics were:

  • Installation of KVM and libraries
  • Setup a Fedora Server virtual machine.
  • Install podman and set up many containers inside the virtual machine
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Fedora Women’s Day 2018 – Mexico City

Fedora Women’s Day (FWD) is a day to celebrate and bring visibility to female contributors in open source projects including Fedora. The initiative is led by Fedora’s Diversity and Inclusion team. The number of women in tech have been increasing year over year,  further highlighting the importance of a more inclusive culture in tech.

On September 21, We had our first Fedora Women’s Day in the UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City) and we loved to do it.

Taken during the first Fedora Women's Day at UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City)
Taken during the first Fedora Women’s Day at UAM Azcapotzalco (Mexico City)
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Fedora 28 Release Party at Mexico City

On May 29, 2018 we celebrate our second release party in the UAM Azcapotzalco, this time the talks was given by Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez (bt0dotninja) one of the Fedora Ambassadors in the Mexico City. This release party had two main activities:

  1. “Introducing Fedora 28 ” talk.
  2. and one improvised “How to contribute to the Fedora project” talk.

Four F’s section

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Introducing Contributor Stories

The Fedora Project community is a strong, caring community sharing the same Four Foundations: Freedom, Friends, Features, and First. Becoming friends is a natural consequence of our work as contributors, working together to advance free software. All of us have a good memory about someone or maybe a funny or inspirational moment with another contributor.

Contributor Stories are just that: the record of our best moments with our Fedora friends. The story can be about our work in Fedora or something personal or unique which you would like to share with the community. Contributor Stories are a part of Fedora Appreciation Week, starting in November 2018.

Why have Contributor Stories?

The purpose of Contributor Stories is to recognize a contributor who has impacted you at any time in Fedora. Let them know what you are thankful for and share a common memory or experience you remember. Taking the time to single out someone to give thanks is one of the best ways to make a personal impact.

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Fedora 27 Release Party at Mexico City

On December 8, 2017, the ambassadors in Mexico City, Efren Robledo (srkraken) and Alberto Rodríguez (bt0dotninja) hosted a Fedora 27 Release Party. The party took place on the UAM Azcapotzalco in the basic sciences and engineering division. We had three main activities: Introducing Fedora 27 talk , Q&A session and a little trivia session with some gifts.

Mexico City F27 release party poster


Introducing Fedora 27

A small but dynamic talk by Efren about the news in Fedora 27 from the perspective of casual user, developer and system administrator. Also he did a quick but very demonstrative installation of Fedora 27.

Introducing Fedora 27 talk

SrKraken Talk

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