As you probably know, there is annual convention called Flock. This year’s is happening in Cape Cod, Hyannis, MA and will begin the morning of Tuesday, August 29. Sessions will continue each day until midday on Friday, September 1.
I have asked all of the session leaders from Flock some questions.
And now you are about to read one of the responses.
Fedora Workstation User’s Guide by Jiri Eischmann
What does your talk focus on?
My session is focused on working on the Fedora Workstation User’s Guide. The first English version is out, so people can either focus on translating it into their languages or discuss content changes for the next release.
What is the goal of your session at Flock?
Get people involved in creating the Fedora Workstation User’s Guide.
Who should attend?
Everyone who is interested in spreading the word about Fedora: Ambassadors, designers, marketing people. Docs people are very welcome to participate as well.
What does it affect in the project?
The Fedora Workstation User’s Guide aims to be an entry point for new users. It’s used as a giveaway and it should help people get started with Fedora Workstation. It explains what Fedora is about, where to get it, how to create installation media, how to install it, how to start using it, and where to get more information.
Without giving too much away, what can attendees expect to learn or do in your session?
I will explain how the project works, how they can contribute with content or translations, and how to create a version localized into your language, from the source files to a printed copy.
What do you do in Fedora/how long have you been involved in the
I’ve been involved since 2011, started as an ambassador, was a FAmSCo chair for 3 years, EMEA community lead, treasurer, and logistician for several years. Today I’m also a packager and my team in Red Hat contributes a lot to Fedora Workstation.
What attracts you to this type of work or part of the project?
Generally I enjoy working with people from all over the world on something that is good and available to anyone. I think it’s a way to make a difference in the world.
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