Tag: Ansible

GSOC Progress Report for Linux System Roles

Student: Elvira García Ruiz

  • Fedora Account: egruiz
  • IRC: elvira (#fedora-summer-coding, #systemroles)


June was my first month as a GSOC student, and I must say is has been a tough but fun ride! I’ve been working at improving the Linux System Roles Network Role. My main focus for this summer is being able to improve the testing systems. In order to achieve that, I will introduce Pytest as a tool for the integration tests.

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FOSS Wave with Fedora at KGISL, Coimbatore

Recently, I was invited by Prem to NASSCOM to give a brief talk on FOSS and Technology as part of the FOSS Wave community. Prem is doing a great job there by putting his effort in helping students from Tier2 and Tier3 cities. Around twenty enthusiastic students were selected and invited to Bengaluru to take part in such events. Mine was one of them. I conducted a GitHub session after Intro to FOSS and a brief intro about Fedora Project.

What is FOSS Wave? It’s a place to learn, teach, enrich and be part of FOSS revolution! It is an initiative to…

  • spread FOSS knowledge
  • connect with FOSS minded people across the globe
  • help students contribute to FOSS projects, tools, and technologies
  • Help students become industry ready.

In addition to sharing knowledge, FOSS Wave speakers also take part in organizing events and speaking in conferences across the globe. The FOSS Wave community consists of active contributors from across the globe. It includes both paid employees and volunteers who work towards the goals set forth in the FOSS revolution.

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Fedora at Technologix 2017

On 16th March’17, Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering (SJCE), Mysore invited Red Hat to be the part of there ongoing CSI fest, Technologix. Red Hat was the premium sponsor of the fest. The event was a success with fresh energy. Most of the students were sophomores and were aware about Fedora, Linux and open source.

Four speakers, including me, decided to go and talk about different technologies used at Red Hat extensively. We traveled from Bangalore to Mysore in a car, with made the journey more exciting. It took us nearly 3.5 hours to reach our destination. On reaching there, Vishnupriya, a student from SJCE, welcomed us and guided us to the guest rooms.

The session started at 2:30 pm with about 150-200 students waiting to learn about technologies used in industry. The CSI members welcomed us with flower bouquet and inspiring words.

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Fedora Activity Day, Bangalore 2017

The Fedora Activity Day (FAD) is a regional event (either one-day or multi-day) that allows Fedora contributors to gather together in order to work on specific tasks related to the Fedora Project.

FAD in Bangalore

On February 25th 2017, a FAD was conducted in one of the admirable university of Bangalore: University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering (UVCE). It was not a typical “hackathon” or “DocSprint” but a series of productive and interactive sessions on different tools.

Fedora Activity Day, Bangalore 2017

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